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"how about we go to a movie and surprise people?" jungkook was asked, but he shook his head.

"how about a private school?"

"a mall?"

"a concert?"

"someone elses concert?" jungkook sighed and shook his head.

"how about and orphanage?" the raven mentioned, shrugging.

"how about I put my time and effort into people who need help, not to people who are already privileged" jungkook suggested, looking at brianna who nodded.

"I agree" brianna replied, writing a few things into her computer.

"look, we have been in this meeting for two hours. It is important that we can all get home, I would love to go to an orphanage and spend time with the children there. I could do a concert and the profits can go to the orphanage and we can get them new toys and stock them up with self-care products and food" jungkook suggested.

"lets make a difference" was what jungkook finished with before someone came bursting through the doors. everyone followed the female who walked towards brianna handing her a note. jungkook watched as brianna looked at the note and started to read, soon her eyes widened and she gasped.

she handed the note to jungkook as she quickly packed her things up, as well as jungkook's.

there has been an accident at mr jeon's apartment, someone broke in and assaulted a male who was staying there. the intruder is in police custody and the male who was assaulted is getting treated at the apartment.

jungkook felt like the air had been sucked from his lungs, when he scanned the note. he cursed and quickly stood up and headed out, hearing brianna quickly tell the other people in the meeting that something personal came up. 

the raven raced towards the car at front that was waiting for them, as soon as brianna got in jungkook ordered the driver to drive. 

the whole ride jungkook felt sick to his stomach, he did not even know if taehyung was okay. as soon as the driver parked he got out the car and raced inside, eyes meeting the owner who walked up to jungkook. 

"nothing in your apartment has been stolen-" the male started but was cut off by jungkook who sighed. 

"I dont care about that, I am worried about taehyung." jungkook groaned, quickly heading towards the elevator. as soon as he reached the top floor he was met with people walking in and out his apartment, a lot of police and paramedics. 

he ducked under the tape and started to grow frustrated when he was held back. 

"sorry sir you can not enter" the officer stated, pushing jungkook back who only pushed past. 

"I am the owner of this apartment, thank you very much" the raven stated, walking into the door to see glass everywhere. his eyes finally met taehyung who was on the couch, leaning his head on a pillow as the paramedics look at his head. 

jungkook stepped quickly towards them, ignoring his shoes being met with the glass as he crouched by taehyung. 

"is he okay?" the raven asked, looking at a women who was cleaning his wounds. 

"he is fine, very brave I might add"

"he has small pieces of the vase in his head but nothing to deep that would require stitches or surgery. a lot of the blood came from the scratch on the males head. I have already ordered some medication for him to have. he will just have a headache and feel weak and dizzy now and then so he needs to rest" 

"thank you so much" jungkook sighed out, eyes soon looking towards taehyung who had his eyes closed. 

"is he asleep?" the raven asked

"no, the lights are giving him a headache and so is the noise but we have to treat his wounds and clean this all up so him closing his eyes helps him" the nurse said, as she finished bandaging the males head. 

the raven sat next to taehyung, grabbing onto his hand. 

"I am right here tae, I wont leave okay" jungkook whispered as he heard the male hum. 


"how did he even get in?" jungkook asked the owner of the building who sighed and shook his head. 

"he is a worker and has been working for us for 4 years, he searched up the information on the computers and got the pin-code. I am incredibly sorry" the owner said, soon getting cut off when two policemen walked towards jungkook. 

as they started talking to jungkook and the male listened carefully, making sure he was not missing any details. 

"would you like to press charges?" the raven was asked.

"yes" he replied, looking back into his apartment to see the place cleaned up and a new coffee table in the middle of the couches. 

"you will get a phone call and email with all the details" the officer said

"thanks officers" jungkook smiled, watching as everyone started to leave the apartment. 

brianna sighed, standing next to jungkook who looked devastated. 

"you okay?" brianna asked, looking at the raven who shook his head. 

"I should of been here, I put him in danger" 

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