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when taehyung got home from work it was dark, it took him ages to clean up the cafe as he was the one closing shift. he had placed his bag down along with his keys when there was a knock at the door, he sighed and got up and walked towards the door. 

the last couple of weeks have felt pretty lonely, he missed jungkook so much. he had a few breakdowns, feeling paranoid. jimin has been busy with yoongi, and jin has been busy with his boyfriend that he has still not met. 

everyone was dating someone and busy, he just felt like his life was quiet. jungkook brought life to his life, but now he felt like he lost it. 

he ruffled his hair a little before opening the door, he smiled seeing one of the workers of the apartment building. 

"mr kim, there was a letter for you left on the front desk this afternoon. I thought I should bring it up to you" taehyung smiled and bowed before taking the letter and wishing the worker to have a safe night. 

after he shut the door he quickly opened the letter, sitting down on his mattress as he reads it. 

dear taehyung,

you may know who this letter is from the more you read it. you were a good person taehyung, I did like you and I did have feelings for you. you ruined my life and reputation, I lost so many people because of you, you always acted innocent and it was so unfair how you were like around other people. seeing you at the grocery store the other day with your boyfriend, burst something evil inside of me. especially when he told me to stop touching your arm. since you made me lose the people I love and cared for, I will make sure the same thing happens to you.

I know that your family are the most precious to you. so I will start there. 

dont you know the saying that whenever you do something to someone and it makes them burn like fire, send the fire back to them but twice as hard and big. 

I hope you enjoyed your trip with your parents and brother, cause that was the very last moment you were ever going to spend with them.


taehyung's eyes widened, he felt his eye sight get blurry as he read more along the letter. as he got the the end he let out a sob, not doubting for a second that jackson was playing a sick joke. he quickly grabbed his phone and started to call his parents, feeling his heart break when they did not pick up. 

he quickly grabbed his keys and turned off the apartment lights before locking and shutting the door behind him and rushing out the apartment building. once he raced towards his car he quickly chucked the letter on the passenger seat and quickly texted jimin for yoongi's number. 

he felt so thankful that jimin replied right away and did not even question as to why he needs it, after he got yoongi's number he quickly pressed the call button. he felt anxious as it dialled. 

"hello?" a deep voice said over the phone.

"y-yoongi? it's taehyung, I g-got your number from j-jimin and wanted to know if I could get j-jungkook's address off you?" 

"I know t-that if i messaged you, there was no way to prove it was me texting so I thought I w-would call" taehyung said, obviously crying but trying to keep a steady breath. 

"I am sending it now, are you okay tae?" yoongi asked, clearly hearing how stressed the male was. 

"y-yeah I am okay, thank you y-yoongi" taehyung said quickly as soon as he got the address and ended the call. he quickly typed it onto his gps as he turned the car on, as soon as he was on the road he felt so much anxiety. 

he knew he was speeding he just hoped that he would not get pulled over. he was not sure as to why going to jungkook was the first option but he knew he was the only person that could calm him down or help him. 

after minutes went by he was met by a large gate, taehyung cursed as soon as he realised jungkook now lived in a gated area. when he pulled up to a security guard who immediately asked why he was heading this way

"Im here to see j-jungkook" taehyung whispered, watching as the security guard did not muck around and went straight to typing in his computer. 

"I need a name?" 

"taehyung" the brunette whispered, watching as the guard searched something on the list and quickly nodded. 

"I just need ID" taehyung nodded and grabbed his wallet to show the guard his ID. as soon as he was buzzed through he drove off, it took him a little to find the number but as soon as he found it he watched as jungkook's house gates were closing. 

he cursed as more tears started to fall, he stepped on the gas and just got past the gates before it closed. as soon as he got through he parked the car and turned it off, grabbing the letter as he got out the car. only to see a surprised jungkook at the front door, shocked when a car speed through the gates. 

he went to reach his phone to call security when he noticed someone rushing out the car towards him. 

"j-jungkook!" the raven's eyes widened as soon as he saw taehyung, he quickly jogged towards him and cupped his face when he noticed the males red eyes and teary cheeks. 

"what's wrong tae? what are you doing here?" jungkook asked still in shock. he looked down when taehyung handed him a letter, he immediately opened it and started to read it. 

"jackson?" the raven asked, looking at taehyung who covered his face crying. 

"shit" jungkook said, pulling taehyung into a hug as he pulled his phone from his pocket. he quickly dialled a number and put his phone towards his ear. 

"hey ross, I know this is late notice but I need a favour and I am willing to pay double what I normally would" jungkook said, waiting for his pilot to reply. 

"that is fantastic, we are on our way now" the raven said soon hanging up, he quickly ran inside and grabbed his keys before shutting and locking the door. taehyung followed jungkook's lead and they both got into the raven's fancy car. 

the car was silent as they drove, but when they pulled into the airport jungkook started talking. 

"I have a private jet, it will take us straight to your parents town. we could of driven but it would take longer" the raven said after parking his car. as they both left the car they raced towards the airport, taehyung following jungkook's lead. 

as soon as the airplane came into view he gulped and quickly got inside first. he watched from one of the soft and comfortable seats, jungkook talking to the pilot. soon enough the door was shut, and they were taking off. 

jungkook quickly started to make a few phone calls while taehyung could not help but to cry silently. 

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