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"so we got bowls, food, blankets, lots of toys and brushes as well as body wash" jungkook said, putting everything into the car. 

"leashes, treats, and two dog beds" the raven finished, placing the last of the things in his boot before shutting it. 

"since we are heading there now are you good to follow me?" the singer asked, smiling when taehyung nodded. 

and just like that they were back on the road. taehyung was not sure how far the dogs were going to be but decided to just enjoy the long drive. after half an hour jungkook started to slow down, he followed him in front of a large pet shop and parked his car next to his. 

taehyung started to feel excited as he got out the car, he linked his hands with jungkook's as they walked inside. the brunette let the singer do all the talking as he looked around the large room. "I just want to thank you for taking him, no one wanted him and he has been the longest dog we have had here. it breaks my heart seeing him so sad, people walking past his area" the lady said as she lead them towards his cage. 

taehyung felt his heart flutter when he met eyes with the beautiful labrador. the lab was laying in the corner of the room, sad look on his face. 

"how was he trained as a guard dog?" taehyung asked looking at the women who cleared her throat. 

"when someone adopted him he was trained to be a guard dog but was poorly looked after. he was kept outside, was not allowed inside at all. he was cold and scared, it was not fair. im really glad he gets to go home to a good family" jungkook nodded at those words and grabbed the leash. 

the lab slowly looked up and then turned away. "tae do you want to stay with him and I will get the puppy?" jungkook whispered, handing the leash towards taehyung when the male nodded. 

"here are his favourite treats, this might help him get to warm up to you" the lady stated, handing him a bag of treats. "before we go I would like a bag of his favourite treats, the largest bag" jungkook said, following the lady to get the golden retriever. 

taehyung slowly walked into the cage and shut it behind him. he sat down on the cold ground and pulled out some treats, he held it in his palm and waited for the pup to come towards him. he smiled softly when the dog got up and started to sniff his hand. 

the brunette let the dog eat from his hand, after the treats were gone he slowly brushed his fingers along his fur. smiling when the lab leaned into his touch. "that's right baby, no one will hurt you" taehyung smiled when the dog came even closer. 

"wow I have never seen him get so close to someone, he does not like a lot of people here" the women said, standing next to jungkook who had a 6 week old puppy in his arms. 

taehyung pouted at how cute the puppy looked and slowly stood up to pat it. 

"is there anything in here that the dog likes that we can take?" taehyung asked but she shook her head. 

"okay" he whispered, placing the leash around the lab's neck and walked out the cage with him. 

"do either of them have names?" taehyung questioned, pouting when she shook her head again. 

"thank you for all your help" jungkook said to the lady, and just like that they walked out the building. 

taehyung smiled as soon as he reached the car and the dogs tail started to wag like crazy. "you want to go home baby?" the brunette gasped, opening the passenger door for the lab to hop in. once he shut the door he turned to see the small puppy in jungkook's arms who was just as excited as his now big brother. 

"aw arent you the cutest little bean" taehyung gasped, patting the puppies little fur. 

"we are now one big family" jungkook whispered, pecking taehyung's cheek before walking to his own car. 

"meet you back at the house?" jungkook questioned, large smile across his face when his boyfriend happily nodded. 

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