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jungkook made sure to remind taehyung to make sure to keep him earning the highest prize in lotto a secret. the brunette was confused as to why jungkook said that, he remembers sitting there in silence. as soon as jungkook noticed his boyfriends confused look he explained.

he explained that it could cause him danger if people found out he won, people could stalk him, kill him, rob him. there had been many stories about lotto winners getting stalked and assaulted. 

taehyung soon understood afterwards, and left his ticket in his wallet. jungkook was sat inside his studio, thinking of the next big hit. nothing was coming to mind, the only thing he could think of was taehyung. every little memory that slipped his mind of the male made him smile. 

it had been a week since taehyung had gone back to his apartment and everyday he felt lonely. jungkook started to become really busy so they weren't able to see each other. it made taehyung feel down, he missed jungkook a lot. 

they text all the time, jungkook got a new phone since he is on a plan and he got jungkook's old phone which was a 12 pro max. the raven thought taehyung was a little weird when he got all excited over a phone. jungkook knew he was going to give his previous phone to taehyung. 

he needed to be able to call him, facetime him, text. it was nice since they could not be next to each other every second. he missed taehyung a lot. he let out a small yawn when his mind started to run loose. 

he grabbed his phone to check the time to see taehyung was probably at his own apartment by now. he quickly packed his things and left the studio. 

"you finished for today?" brianna asked as soon as she walked past jungkook who had a bag around his shoulder and phone in hand. 

"yeah, I am going to go to see taehyung and bring over some food" jungkook smiled, he had already told brianna about how he is dating taehyung and he was happy that she had no negative comments. 

all she said was to be careful, keep taehyung out of the press. and he intended on doing that. 

"cute, stay warm and dry. it looks like it is about to pour down" jungkook nodded and told brianna to drive home safe. he took one of the companies umbrella's and walked outside, quickly unlocking his car door before getting in. 

he stopped at his favourite take out place before parking his car at taehyung's apartment building. he grabbed the takeout, and umbrella. he sighed as he looked out the car window to see it pouring down. 

he quickly ran inside, heading towards the elevator. a frustrated groan left the raven's lips as he noticed his hair and shirt was wet. as the elevator dinged and the door opened, he quickly headed straight towards taehyung's room number. 

after knocking on the door and waiting for a little bit, he heard footsteps reach the door and soon he was met with his handsome boyfriend's face. 

"gukkie? what are you doing here?" taehyung gasped, pulling him inside. 

"I thought I would come see you and bring dinner" jungkook smiled, watching as taehyung took the bag from his hands and placed it on the kitchen sink. "I will heat this up, you go have a shower. I have some of your clothes that you can dress in... you staying the night?" the brunette asked looking at jungkook who smiled.

"can I?" he asked, looking down at taehyung who smiled and nodded. 

"I want you too" he whispered, looking up at the raven who slowly kissed his forehead. 

"I wont be long" jungkook whispered against his forehead before grabbing a few clothes and heading towards the bathroom. taehyung chuckled and turned to hide his pink cheeks. he let out a small yawn as he laid his back against the mattress.

he let out soft hums as he scrolled through his new phone, chuckling as a few funny videos came across his tiktok.

"what are you laughing at?" he heard jungkook's voice call out from the bathroom that was now opened. 

"just a tiktok video" taehyung replied, placing his food next to him as he watched jungkook walk out in grey sweatpants and a loose white top. the raven smiled and walked to grab the take out the was in the plastic bag.

"did I take long? will this be cold?" the taller asked

"you were quick, it should still be warm" taehyung replied, shuffling back in the mattress to make space for jungkook. the raven sat next to him, handing taehyung a box of noodles with some vegetables and chicken mixed throughout it. 

"thank you for coming over" taehyung whispered, as they both dug into their food. both their thigh's touching as they huddled onto the mattress together. 

jungkook smiled when silence filled the room. "I will treasure moments like these" he whispered, looking to the side of him to see taehyung staring back at him. 

"moments like what?" the brunette asked as he placed his noodle box down. 

"me and you in one room, we dont have to be watching anything, the room could be silent but being next to you is my favourite thing" jungkook whispered, eyes not leaving taehyung's. 

"stop saying stuff like that" he groaned, slapping the males arm as he hides his blush. 

jungkook chuckled and dug back into his food. 


"I will go put this in the bin" jungkook said, grabbing all the rubbish and walked towards the kitchen to throw everything away. taehyung let out a small yawn, he rubbed his eyes as he started to feel tired. 

"you tried love?" jungkook questioned as he walked back inside the room, shutting off the lights. he smiled when he saw taehyung yawn and nod. "do you want me to sleep over ther-" jungkook whispered pointing towards the floor. 

taehyung laughed and shook his head, he lifted his blanket and patted beside him. jungkook smiled and sat next to his boyfriend. the room was dark and the only thing they could see were each other. 

the rain grew louder and louder. taehyung began to feel cold, jungkook noticed and laid his head on the pillow. he shuffled down and spread his arms for taehyung to rest against his chest. the brunette did not have to be told twice and quickly snuggled into jungkook, his head resting by his neck. 

he let out a content sigh as soon as he felt jungkook bring the blankets closer towards them and arms wrapped around his back. 

"sweet dreams love" jungkook whispered, pecking taehyung's hair.

"sweet dreams gukkie" taehyung whispered back, snuggling closer to jungkook who had a soft smile plastered on his lips. 

'I love you' he mouthed, not ready to say it out loud yet.

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