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jungkook was hoping to use the time that they had off for their first day in paris to get to know each other. but they basically did not talk much, the brunette went off on his own causing jungkook to panic when he could not find him. they did not exchange numbers either, which was stupid on their behalf. 

when jungkook jogged past a bookstore his eyes met taehyung's, who was holding a book that had a teenage jungkook on the cover. a dork-ish smile on the brunette's face when the raven rolled his eyes and stepped into the book store. 

"you look cute" taehyung smiled, looking at the cover of the small book. it looked more like a magazine. 

"I cant believe they still sell these" jungkook chuckled, taking the magazine from the brunettes hands. 

"can they burn these" taehyung laughed when he watched the famous singer pout. 

"come on, we should go back. before it gets dark" jungkook whispered, slowly placing the magazine down. 


"paris is gorgeous chim, the apartment is also so nice. I just had a shower and I nearly fell asleep" taehyung chuckled, looking at his phone that had jimin on a video call. the phone was leaning against a pillow on the bed. 

once he laid down, he picked up the phone. 

"how has your experience so far with jungkook been?" taehyung had not been thinking about it as much as he expected himself to. he got so carried away being somewhere new that he completely forgot why he was there. 

when taehyung explained that to jimin, the male nodded. 

"that is understandable tae, what is the schedule tomorrow?" taehyung was asked by jimin who was eating food. 

"he has a photoshoot and a meeting. I think we will be there for most of the day, to be honest he looks stressed" taehyung commented, looking up at the ceiling. 

"who? jungkook?" 

"yeah, I observed him during the meeting today and he just looked really unhappy" taehyung whispered, not wanting to be too loud. jimin hummed, putting his chopsticks down and stood up from his seat. 

"I would use this time to get to know him, find out more about him." taehyung thought about what jimin was suggesting, it was not a bad idea. he was meant to observe but it could help him form a better opinion if he knew the male a little better. 


"yeah kook, honestly tomorrow is going to be hectic but I think we can make it all work" brianna said from the other end of the phone. jungkook hummed, placing his phone on the kitchen bench as he lowered the heat on the oven. 

"hey also, I had an idea. around the middle of the year, you have another magazine cover a big one. I was in contact with their team and we thought it could be a good idea to have a written article in the magazine about your life" 

"going from when you were a child to where you are now. talk about struggles you have had and also amazing memories" 

jungkook stopped stirring the liquid in the pot and lifted his phone back up from the counter. it was not a bad idea. 

"when you did that live video and opened up about confidence, so many people related to that. your story really helped people to know that they are not alone. you have always been about helping people, this could also help your fans see a different side to you?" brianna suggested 

"I like the idea" the raven commented, grabbing two cups and placing it on the bench. 

"I thought maybe taehyung could be the one to write this article. he has never written one before, i know. but it will be looked over by a professional and myself, he can put his own opinion in the article. let him get to know you and maybe your story being shared right in his face will help him also" 

brianna was making great points, jungkook agreed with what she was saying but it was a risk. sometimes this could back fire, opening up your life to your fans and people to criticise. when jungkook heard footsteps heading his way he quickly cleared his throat. 

"I will talk to him about it, I have to go get some sleep but I will see you tomorrow" after jungkook finished the call he quickly poured the hot-chocolate into both cups, handing one to taehyung when he entered the kitchen. 

"I heard from jin that you like hot-chocolates" the raven smiled, soon walking towards the couch. 

"a-ah thank you" taehyung whispered, not expecting the kind gesture and decided to sit opposite jungkook in the lounge. 

"how did you find today?" jungkook asked, placing the hot-chocolate on the coffee table. 

"interesting, it was nice to look around" the brunette replied, taking a sip of the hot-chocolate. 

'gosh this is the best I have had' taehyung thought as he stared at the warm drink in his hands. 

"oh by the way, I was talking to brianna and I have an article coming up for a magazine and they thought it would be good to get someone to write an article about me for the magazine and brianna thought that you could be the perfect person for it" 

"they will pay you for it after you have written it" jungkook explained looking at taehyung who looked confused. 

"I have never written an a-" 

"yeah, she knows that but we thought it would be good to have someone write it who will share their honest views and it would also help you to form your opinion on me" jungkook continued, watching as taehyung cleared his throat and nodded. 

"sounds good" he said softly, soon finishing his drink and walking towards the kitchen. 

"I should go to sleep, thank you for today and the drink" taehyung bowed, walking off to his room before jungkook could reply. 

'why are you not opening up to me taehyung, why do you have a wall up' jungkook thought.

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