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Nadia's POV

I am currently walking in a corridor when Camille approached me

"Hey, gal, how are you?" I innocently greeted

I don't really hate this girl but having Emilia on my side as my friend is what matters the most for me.

You see, I was also a lonely and pathetic girl just like Camille, not until Emilia offered to become my friend. Since then, I learned how to be sneaky just to hang out with her in the club and I began bullying some students to prove that I am worthy to become her friend.

I snap back to reality when Camille spoke, "I know me and Emilia are not on good terms as of now, but I want to inform her that Clark is hitting on me, he tried to kiss me in the library earlier."

"And why are you telling me that?" I ask, but, I don't really give a damn about what she just said

"Because you're Emilia's friend, and if I directly inform her about this, she might not believe me. And I hate ruining other's relationships but I just want to let Emilia know that her boyfriend is a total jerk."

I smile at her, "Sure, Camille, I'll tell Emilia about it."

"Thanks, Nadia," she replied before walking away

How annoying. She really reminds me of my old self

I rolled my eyes and went to the cafeteria where Emilia and Ashley are.

"What took you so long?" Ashley said, "Are you trying to make out with the student council's president again?"

"Shut up, Ash. Jacob and I are nothing but friends."

"Friends but you both already saw each other naked and make out in the janitor's closet, right?" Ashley teased

"Whatever, that was nothing to me."

She smirked and says, "Jacob's a total hunk too. I wonder if I could sleep with him for one night,"

I glared at her, "Do what you want, I don't care."

"Aw, are you jelly? Of course, you are! Your expression says so!"

"You two are so irritating," Emilia stated

"Ashley started it," I uttered, "Anyway, I met Camille down the hallway earlier."


Should I tell her the truth? Nah.

"She told me that Clarke was hitting on her and that she's looking forward to go on a date with him. She told me not to tell you about this, but as your friend, I hate seeing other girls being a snake behind your back." I stated

Emilia's expression darkens, she clenches her fist and her eyes look like she's about to kill someone

"Where's she?" Emilia asks

"She's probably in the hallway or in a place where she can read her lame books peacefully."

"What else did she say?" Ashley inquired

"She then said that she purposely decline to be in our friend group so she can flirt with Emilia's boyfriend," I respond

Emilia throw her empty can of juice that made a loud noise throughout the cafeteria

All students stared at her, as she stormed off.

I smirked as I crossed my arms, the war between those two has officially begun.


A/N: hello fam, trafalgarswifeeee here, so I'm here to elaborate some small details of the characters in this novel. Camille and others are in college in Venezia Academy. Meaning, they're not minors.

Reborn As The WretchOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora