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I am already at Solomon's institution. I ate a small amount of food this morning, and now, I'm starving

"I didn't expect you to be here, Mortimer,"

I turned around and saw Chrysalis

"Really? Well, I already expected myself to be here since I enrolled in this school, lady Chrysalis,"

"Lady? I want you to address me as 'her highness', Mortimer!" She exclaimed

"I also want you to addresses me in the same way, since we both held the same position despite of being in the different empires."

"No way!"

"What's this commotion about, Chrysalis?"

A handsome kid with the same features as Chrysalis appears.


"I can hear you from miles away, Chrysalis, what's going on,"

"She's a Mortimer!"

"Mortimer, you say?" He looks at me, "I never thought I'd encounter such species in real life,"


"Excuse me?" I asks in disbelief

"Well, let's go, Chrysalis, we'll be late." He stated and turned his back on me. He's ignoring me!

I saw Chrysalis stick out her tongue before she turned her back on me

I didn't mind it at all, I refuse to stoop down to her level. Besides, I have to keep my reputation neutral as long as I can

I can let it ruin by anyone, or even by me

"What are you still doing here, you highness?"

I turned around and saw Duke Havier

"I'm sorry, duke Havier," I stated

"Don't be, go on, your next class will be in a minute,"

Damn, a minute!?

"Thank you for reminding me, duke Havier!" I immediately run away to go to my next class

As soon as I got there, I took my time to catch my breath before opening the door

"Am I late?" I asks

A lady with tight corset around her waist and a bun on her hair replied, "No, your highness, please take a seat,"

"Thank you,"

I am so relieved that I got here in time, we're learning about the culture of every empires. It's interesting but I'd rather sleep. I already know everything about the culture of every empire, from the 13th century to 19th century.

I guess all those book bingeing was worth it

After the class ended, I have decided to visit the library since I have a lot of free time during this time. I want to find peace to read some books, and the library is the first place that came to my mind

As I scanned the bookshelf, a book fell from the top shelf. I picked it up and was surprised that there's math in this world.

I grabbed a ladder to find another book similar to this, and there it is! A science book! I feel like I'm back in the modern world!

I sat in the corner and began solving the equations.

I love Math and Science! But to be broad, I love solving trigonometric calculus, and reading biology and physics back in the real world.

I almost finished the whole page of the book, this part is easy since it's all about algebra. I still couldn't believe I encountered such books!

I expected this world to have more historical literature than maths or science books.

If you think about it, Physics exists during Newton's timeline. However, Newton doesn't exist in this world. So, who wrote this books?

Even biologist like Matthias Schleiden, Theodor Schwann, Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek, Robert Hooke, and Rudolf Virchow does not exist in this world

I scanned the book for the author, and I found it. It says, Hanna Peshurguee Börjis.

Who on earth is this person? I never heard of her, not even inside the novel

"What are you doing?"

"Oh gosh!"

I startled after I heard Chrysalis's voice in front of me. I was so lost in my own thoughts

"What's that?" She asks

"Uhm... Books?" I answered, she simply rolled her eyes at me

"I know what books are, Mortimer. I meant, what's up with the context of that book? It's full of numbers then letters then numbers."

"Uhm, mathematics...?"

"Mat— who?"

"It's a book full of numerical equations, and problem solving. It's fun,"

She grabbed my book and then looks at me, "You solved these?"

I nodded my head as a response

"Tsk, that is boring," she threw the book back at me and left

Argh, kids these days.

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