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I am glad that today is a holiday. It's another year of celebrating Queen Vahnim, a festival to be exact.

We held this every year, and I still remember the first time I experienced this festival like it was yesterday. My birthday is coming in a few days too. I wonder, when will my life begin as Evaine?

For the past 17 years of existence, I never experienced being the villain in everyone's eyes, the rumor of me being a witch died years ago.

I stood here as Merry and the other maids helped me with my dress. They tighten the corset more than usual

"Ow," I groan in pain

I am already skinny enough, why do they have to tighten it more?

I tried to eat a bit more, but the head chef stopped me after she saw me. Saying that a princess should be more attractive, not a pig

The queen also told me not to complain if they tighten my corset because that's just how it is.

But it's hard to breathe!

I am wearing a dress designed just for me. A glamorous rose gold dress

"Argh," I groan again as they tighten up the corset on my waist a bit more. Come to think of it, I had cookies last night

"How was the dress, your highness?" The designer asks

"I can still breathe, hardly," I respond even though I'm gasping for air right now

"Hmm, in that case, you shouldn't eat right before bed."

"The dress is fine, but the corset isn't. If I just loosen this up for a bit, I think I'm good to go and can breathe properly,"

"Loosen up a bit? No, it must not, Your Highness. A tight corset is a trend this year, and a princess must appear presentable in the eye of the public, in short, wearing this will make you more attractive,"

I roll my eyes, "Fine, whatever,"

After they finished suffocating my organs— I mean, dressing me up, the servant escorted me outside my room

Zillah, and my soon-to-be stepfather, are already there, waiting for me

Zillah's eyes dazzled after she saw me, "You look gorgeous, Eva! Stunningly beautiful!"

I smiled, "Thanks, it's hard to breathe though. I like your dress, by the way, it looks better than mine."

"What? No, no, mine seems plain compared to yours."

"At least you can breathe properly," I murmured

The butler cleared his throat and stated, "Pardon my demeanor, your highness. Her majesty is already in the carriage,"

"Okay, then, shall we go?" I asked to Zillah and Sir Fergus

Both of them nod. The butler reached his hand to escort me to the carriage. However, I still cannot breathe comfortably. I tried to lighten up my corset a bit. It's too hard to walk with this thing on my waist

We managed to get into the carriage on time. Even though I can't breathe properly, I am relieved that I can finally rest my feet from standing in heels for a few hours just to get ready

I sat next to my mother, while Zillah sat next to her father. The ambiance isn't awkward, but it isn't lively either.

We sat there silently until Zillah broke the silence.

"Your majesty, I am happy to be part of another year celebrating the festival of Queen Vahnim with you, thank you so much,"

"Aw, Zillah, sweetie, you don't have to say that every year, we'll be one big family one day, now that my wedding with your father is almost coming,"

"What? You're getting married? Already?" I reacted

Queen Cherith held my hand and said, "It's been a decade, darling. You and Zillah grew up together in our home, and I told you before that we would arrange the marriage as soon as we settled down. We've been engaged for a long time, and I think this is the time that we have to marry each other,"

"Does that mean, Eva and I are going to be official siblings now?" Zillah asks excitedly

"Yes, indeed, Zillah," the queen responded

"I'm sure it won't be a problem, right Evaine?" Sir Fergus asks

"No, it won't be. Besides, I'm thrilled to know that both of you are gonna be a married couple soon. And, I already accepted you as part of our family, even when you're still engaged with my mom."

Sir Fergus smiles at me, "I'm delighted to call you my daughter,"

"Thank you,"

"Wow! This year is amazing! Eva's birthday and a wedding is coming! I am too excited, I can't wait!" Zillah stated

We laughed at Zillah's enthusiasm. Yup, this year is amazing, indeed.

The parade began after we arrived. I can see all of the empire's subjects waving at us, with bright smiles upon their faces. I see most of the aristocrats, and the commoners are standing far away from us. I feel bad for them. They cannot go near us because they're afraid of creating another scene between them and the aristocrats again

A few years ago, the commoners wanted to come closer during the parade, however, an old man accidentally bumped into a nobleman while trying to give us some flowers. The nobleman was irritated because his clothes 'got dirty' after bumping into the poor old man. He beat him directly physically and said a lot of mean things. Another man came, it was the old man's son, to save his father, but the nobleman man got more furious. A lot of aristocrats are pushing them away from the crowd. The old man got injured, and his son had a lot of bruises.

The queen ordered to send them to a physician quickly, but the old man got blind in his left eye because the nobleman kicked him with his pointy shoes. The queen paid a lot of money just to heal both of them. She also asks the nobleman to donate his money to the old man he beat during the festival. The nobleman refuses, but she threatens him to destroy his status as a marquis and exile his entire family.

Remembering it frightens me. Considering the fact that I saw how much blood came out from the old man's eye, and no aristocrats bothered to help him.

These nobles are very arrogant, they feel that they're superior because they have money.

As soon as we got to the center of the capital, where the statue of Queen Vahnim is located, we got off of the carriage and waved in the public

I tried to find Noah anywhere, but I noticed an unknown lady who kept staring at me, I could feel a dark aura around her. She then murmurs something. Suddenly, I hear someone's voice in my head

"I know you're not the Lady Evaine."

I was stunned after I heard it. My body began to tremble and my hands began to get cold.

How?! When!? Am I gonna be busted!?

"Eva? Are you okay, you look pale." Zillah asks

"Huh?" I look at Zillah's direction

"I ask if you're okay. Your hands are so cold,"

"I— I'm fine," I stated

I gaze upon that mysterious lady's direction again, but she isn't there anymore.

"Where's Noah?" I uttered, I felt like my energy was drained

"I think he's over there, why? Is there something— Eva!"

My body collapsed and my vision was getting blurry. I heard Zillah scream my name before I lost consciousness.

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