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Bernard and I have been traveling for many hours now. My back has been aching me and I am tired. It's almost noon, and I haven't eaten yet.

I heard my stomach grumbles. We're in a middle of the woods, we can't find any thing other than trees full of branches.

At this rate, we'll be able to enter the Gibbethon Empire's border in 5 days, if we made it in there without starving to death

I stopped, and rest under the tree. I am thirsty for a while now.

I was about to close my eyes to get some proper sleep but I heard a carriage coming to this very direction.

I saw a merchant riding his horse, carrying a lot of things behind him

"Oh, are you lost?" He asked

I stood up, "Kinda."

"I see, where are you heading?"

"To Gibbethon Empire."

"Goodness, I am going there too. I have a lot of things to sell. Would you like to join me? I know a shortcut."

I hesitate to accept his offer, "I am not certain if I could trust you."

"Everyone say that, but I can assure you that I am a trustworthy fellow."

"Fine, as long as you don't mean any harm."

"I am a mere merchant, not a monster."

I suppose. It seems a bit suspicious that this merchant offer a stranger a ride. But, if I don't take this opportunity, I'm gonna die alone, and the whole Mortimer Empire will be a mess if they realize their princess have not returned. Argh! This is driving me crazy. All I wanted was just to read books in the past, but now, I have to deal with these rebels, being the next heir to the throne, the fate of my future, and the fate of the whole Empire.

I came a long with him and follo wed him as I ride in Bernard's back.

Half a minute later, I heard my tummy grumbles again. It was so loud that I am certain the merchant heard it too

"I bet you are hungry. Here, eat this." He throw a food into my direction, and luckily, I caught it with both of my hands

I smiled as I appreciate his gesture and kindness towards me, "Thank you,"

"You are very welcome. I am sorry if that's all the food available right now. I sold few items at Mortimer's Empire, and apparently it's not enough to buy a proper and healthy food."

"Your items are rare, and you didn't sold anything?" I asked

"The people in the area I usually sell my things are mostly commoners. They only buy a cup, or a mirror, or even a plate, for only 2 silver coins."

"Two silver coins? A bit cheap for such items, don't you think?"

"I thought about that, but what can I do? Only few nobles are there and they don't usually buy anything. They prefer buying their things from a shop,"

"Which area are you selling?"

"The place was called Four Ks," he answered

Ah, that place. That area was built in 1590. In my book, the place was founded by four sisters; Krisia, Kaeria, Khish, and Kezia. They're the daughters of the Marquis during that time. However, after their father died, all their inheritance was taken by their step-mother. Their name cause a lot of stir in the past, they are the most controversial topic in the Mortimer Empire for the past 6 years. But now it seems like people forgot about them and moved on. Now, Four Ks is a small village for commoners. There's some nobles too but I am not sure how many are there. It was once called the Fallen Ks, as a resemblance of the K sisters and their family's downfall.

They are not mentioned in the original novel since the Clash of Royals are only focused to Zillah and Evaine's rivalry to the throne.

"You should try in the town's capital, there's a lot of merchants and shop keepers there."

"I know, I've been there. But they said that you can only sell your items if you purchase a spot. And that cost some gold coins."

"I see, I thought the capital's stalls was free."

"Well, they are free before Queen Cherith's mother rules. Queen Almira Chesher Mortimer ruled differently than Queen Vahnim. She declared a limited spots for merchants and area for shop keepers, since she thought that they're a hassle and a mess in the streets. She want them to be organized and if all the spots are taken, you have to purchase another spot to start your business, in the other village."

"Did you purchase a spot in Four Ks village?"

"No, that spot was my friend's stall. She let me use it to sell my items, temporarily. From three to six in the morning and four to seven in the dawn, it's my time to use her stall. She only works from seven to three. That's why I have to travel from empire to empire just to sell my items."

"How long have you been doing this work?"

"For thirty years. You see, I am a 58 years old merchant, I am almost 60. If I don't work hard, I can't buy any medicine for any illnesses I might get from being too old." He stated

I can see him smile at me. I didn't say anything since I already feel bad about him.

He then added, "But it's okay, that's how life is. You have to survive just to live. Well, you'll be lucky if you were born from an aristocratic family," he laughs after his statement

Lucky to be born from an aristocratic family.... but, am I really lucky?

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