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The carriage picked me up from school. Me and Merry is the only people inside the carriage, the queen wasn't here because I believe she have important things to do at this moment

In the meantime, Merry handed me some sweets and stated, "You've been awfully quiet, your highness, is there something bothering you?"

"W-What? N-No not at all, I'm just tired, yeah, I'm tired..." I let out a forced and awkward laugh

Merry suddenly touched my forehead, "You're not sick, are you?"

"No, Merry, I'm fine. But, I think I'm getting hungry, thanks for bringing me these snacks,"

She smiles at me, "You're welcome, you're highness. I'm afraid for a second there, I thought I did not do my very best to keep you in your normal state."

"You're overthinking too much, Merry, I'm fine. You've done so much for me for the past eight years and I'm hoping you'll stay with me until I grow up."

She suddenly hugged me and stated, "You're the sweetest person I ever meet, your highness, I hope you'll grow up with happiness, and contempt in your heart."

"Do you really like me, Merry?"

"I do, your highness,"

A smile formed upon my lips, now that Merry's feelings towards Evaine has changed, there's no reason for me to be worried about any other people's impression of me. Besides, once the villain, is always the villain. I can't change that

However, aside from Merry and her majesty, I really don't have that much impact to other people, other than known as the 'queen's daughter'

Evaine's fate is quite complicated. I can change the way I behave nor think, but in people's mind, they view me as the wretch of this novel

It is because that's how the author wrote Evaine.

I can't be the heroine and make Evaine's enemies become the antagonist.

I suddenly feel a bit down. I wonder how would Merry see me once she meet the real heroine of this story?

We finally got home and Merry immediately prepared the water for my bath

I soaked myself in the bathtub as Merry gently scrubbing my back. I closed my eyes for a second, and suddenly, I feel homesick again

"I want to eat my mom's chicken adobo and egg fried rice...." I mumble

"Pardon, your highness?"

As soon as I heard Merry's voice, I came back to reality and looked at her


"You're mumbling something," she stated

I forced my laugh again, "T-That crazy, Merry, ha ha ha,"

"What's chicken adobo—"

I immediately cut her off, "Look at the time, Merry, it's almost dinner, I'm getting hungry too. I'm craving for a lamb steak,"

"Oh, I see. Let me get you a towel, your highness,"

Merry went directly to my closet to find a clean towel for me to wrap my body.

I let out a relief sigh after I aborted the crisis, they'll think I'm a real witch if I say anything weird here. And then, I'll be burned to death!

That's not the faith I imagine Evaine would get

After Merry dresses me up in my night gown, we immediately went to the dining area

It feels a bit odd, her majesty wasn't there

I'm gonna dine in by myself, with these mean servants watching me

I picked up my utensils and took a bite of my food. I heard the maid made an annoying sound as I quietly chew my food


I cough and looked at Merry, "Since the queen isn't here, why don't you join me for dinner, Merry? It's lonely to eat alone,"

"I-I shouldn't, your highness—"

"I insisted, Merry, this is a command from the princess, does anybody have any objections with that?"

I gazed to each servants inside the dinning table and they all avoid having an eye contract with me

I smiled at them, "That's what I thought." I held Merry's hand and stated, "Take a seat, Merry, you can eat as much as you want."

"T-Thank you, your highness.." she mumbles

Before Merry could even get the food, I heard the servants murmuring


"Who does she think she is? Giving such arrogant command."

"That commoner does not deserve to eat beside the princess."

I looking at Merry as she immediately stood up, "I-I'll have my dinner inside they kitchen later, your highness."

"Are you defying my command, Merry?" I asks

"No, your highness, it's just I'm not starving yet,"

I slammed the table and glared at those servants who talks behind my back

"I thought her majesty already got rid of those annoying rats here in this castle, but it seems like there's still sneaky dirty rats left, and was standing in front of the food."

I stood up and approached the girl with a short hair, she's the daughter of the priest in the local temple. Her status meant nothing to me, because she's nothing but a servant inside the palace

"You're the priest's daughter, am I right?" I asks

"Y-Yes, your highness,"

"Hmm, however, I believe that priest called you an outsider and did not claimed you as his daughter because he cared for his image that he's willing to abandon you the moment you were born from your prostitute mother, is that correct?"

She didn't respond

"You called me an arrogant for commanding my beloved servant to sit and eat with me, right?"

She immediately kneel down and bows her head, "I'm sorry, your highness, that was so wrong of me!"

I touched her chin to make her looked at me in the eye, "I didn't tell you to kneel, did I?"

"N-No, your highness,"

"Stand up."

She immediately stood up, tears nearly falls from her cheeks

"An twenty year old lady bowing her head to an eight year old, that feels pathetic, does it?"

"I apologize—"

"Again, I did not ask you to speak." I raised my voice. "That demeanor is not appropriate whenever her majesty's daughter is talking to you. I know most of you never liked me, and I'm totally fine with it. But once the queen heard about this, what do you think she'll do? Disrespecting the princess of Mortimer Empire, now that's interesting."

"I'm really sorry, your highness, I'm willing to cut my tongue if you want to!"

I laugh, "Cut your tongue? If I were her, I must've already did that to each one of you."

I am referring to the original Evaine.

"I'll forgive you this time, but I don't know if the queen will." I smiled at them, "Merry, let's eat."

"Y-Yes, your highness,"

Reborn As The WretchWhere stories live. Discover now