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As soon as we landed, I jumped out of his arms and smacked his head.

"Ow! That hurts!" He exclaimed. I sneered in his agony. I fix my dress and turn my back at him. I must leave before the sun rises, however, before I could even walk a meter away from him, he suddenly asked, "Where are you heading?"

"To Nanofya,"


"Nanofya freaking business! God, I thought I'd die for a second there."

"I didn't ask. The princess should be in slumber at this hour, what are you doing? Are you planning to flee so you can avoid your responsibilities as the heir?"

"What? Of course not! What made you think I would run away from that pressure?"

He raised his eyebrow at me without saying a word

I added, "Fine, I may look like I'm running away, but I am not. I am under a lot of pressure, indeed, however, I can not turn my back to the people who needed my help."

His expression was blank and did not answer me.

"Are you just going to ignore me?"

"Do I have to say anything?"

"Well, uhm— No..."

"If that's the case, then I guess we shall part ways." He stated

"Yeah," I turned around and walked away, then I realized this was not the way to the locomotive steam train. I turned around again and tried to not look into his eyes as I walked pass by him

"You are lost, aren't you?" He asked and smirked at me

I roll my eyes, "Shut up, if you didn't took me by force I would not certainly be lost by now."

"So you are blaming me for saving your life because you are lost?" He asked. I didn't answer because arguing with someone like him is draining all of my energy. "The locomotive steam train is that way," he added as he pointed the north east direction

"How did you know that I am looking for the train?"

He raised his eyebrow again, "Is it not obvious, your highness? You escaped and brought neither a carriage nor a horse with you. Do you expect me to be convinced that you are just taking a walk in the middle of the night, away from the palace?"

"Fine, thanks!"

He smiles at me and bow as he look into my eyes, "You are very welcome,"

"It was sarcasm," I said

"And mine isn't,"

"Was that a sarcasm just now?"

He shrug his shoulders and smirks at me, "Probably. Well, this is it. Pardon me for the late introduction, your highness, I am the bearer of the name Alastair Luthien. Until we meet again," He then walked away

I continued my journey, until my I can feel my feet starting to sore. I feel tired of walking for almost two hours now. It's almost dawn, maybe I can take a little nap before continuing my journey.

I found a bench nearby and lay down. It feels cold but what choice do I have? I certainly do not want to lay on the ground, that's for sure. I close my eyes and finally let my self to sleep.

I awoke from the noise around me. I looked at my pocket watch and saw that it's already 5 AM. I only have an hour to reach the train station!

I picked up my shoe and ran towards the station, but I may not be able to reach there in time!

I finally saw a horse, then I walked into the shop, "Excuse me, are you the shopkeeper?"

An old lady turned around and said, "Well, yes indeed. I am the shopkeeper. Can I help you with anything, young lady?"

"I want to purchase a horse. How much is it?"

"We have a variety of horses and they cost differently. Which horse would you like to purchase?"

"Uhmm, I- I don't know—"

"How about the white one? It's the fastest horse we have here. And its name is Bernard,"

"Sure, I'll take Bernard, how much is it?"

"Only 50 gold pieces. He was the most expensive, though,"

"Here," I gave her my payment

"Alright, thank you for stopping by."

An old man helped me get to Bernard, "Be careful, Bernard is not the friendliest horse when it comes to new people."

"I'm sure I can handle him."

I tried to ride onto his back, however, he began to jump and causing me to fall onto the ground

"Oh my, are you okay?" The old man asked

I stood up again, "I am alright, thank you,"

I patted him and uttered, "It's alright, boy, I am not going to hurt you. You can trust me." After he calmed a bit, I tried to climbed onto his back again, and this time, he let me.

"Wow, that's amazing. You fully gained his trust." The old man stated, "Well then, good luck to your journey, young lady."

I smiled at them, "Thank you,"

We immediately went to the train station's direction. It's still a bit far, it's a good decision to purchase this horse. I must admit, he is the fastest horse I ever ride on.

It's 5:49 when we finally reached the station. I got off to Bernard's back. I found a man operating the train, so I approached him and asked, "Can I have a ticket please? I am going to Gibbethon Empire."

"Sure, young lady, but the next travel to the empire will be this afternoon."

"What? You're telling me that the locomotive train has already gone?"

"Indeed, just thirty minutes ago."

"Argh! I can't believe it!" I kicked the chair because of my frustration. I missed the train for Pete's sake!

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