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After the banquet, I directly went to her majesty's room and asks, "Are you really gonna marry him?"

She looks surprise while she looks at me. She clears her throat and signaled her servants to leave the room for a while

All of them left the room. She then sigh and stated, "Fergus and I have agreed that we'll be married after your 18th birthday."

"So, it's 10 years from now."

"It is. Although, it'll take a long time, I hope you understand that Fergus and I are in love. He's willing to take care of you, and it's the same for me to his only daughter. We will do our best to keep our relationship until marriage. And 10 years is an enough time to get to know him even more."

"What? W-When did you even met this guy?"

"Just.... 2 weeks ago."

What!? You got engaged to him that quickly!? Romeo and Juliet could never!

"I don't know, I just fell in love with him and he decided to court me and then we got engaged."

What are you? A teenager?

I touched my head because this whole engagement really hurts my brain. Now, I know what Evaine really felt when her mother got engaged to another man, and abuses her step-sister to cope up with the whole situation.

"Are you mad at me, Evaine?" She asks

"No," I uttered, "I'm just shocked with the sudden announcement. I should rest."

As I was about to leave her room, she called my name and stated, "Evaine, wait,"

I turn around and gaze at her, "You know I will still love you even if there's another child in our home, right?"

I gently smile at her and respond, "I know,"

She walked towards me and hugged me tightly, "I love you, sweetie,"

"I love you too..."



A/N: MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!! this will be the last chapter for this year, I hope to see you again next year and be part of Camille's story as the villainess in her novel! Thank you for supporting Reborn as the Wretch up until this very moment! Love you fam!

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