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Eight years ago...

Emilia's POV

I still went to school after what happened to Camille. It's been four months after she died, her body must've rot underground already.

Everyone tried to provoked me, and spread rumors that I am one of the suspect who killed Camille. However, I didn't bother to dodge the allegation, because my parents and lawyer already took care of everything, making sure that I won't go to jail, therefore, they burned all the evidences they could find, the clothes I wore that day, and even the book I threw off the roof.

Her case is still not over, Ashley's phone is nowhere to be found, which is a good thing because the footage of how we beat her until her last breath is still there. Clarke is avoiding all the media so he couldn't stain his father's name, as if it wasn't stained already. While Nadia started to avoid us, she chooses not to mingle with us while the case is still on going.

I sat down beside Clarke, and Ashley at the canteen table, while I watch Nadia sitting on a empty table across us, looking miserable as students ignored her as if her existence in this school vanished into thin air

"Why can't our parents just bribe the judge so Camille's case just fvcking end?" Ashley stated

"The school has the right to stop this case or not," Clarke inserted, "Unfortunately, Venezia Academy 'top student' died. I talked to my parents about bribing the school, but they already did it, and the administration refused to take the money. This is full of bullsh*ts."

"I heard one of the teachers sent her to detention," I stated


"Mr. Peterson, the trigonometry professor." I smirked as a brilliant plan came to my mind, "What if, we framed him for killing Camille? He sent her to detention because she doesn't believe in God. If Mr. Peterson take the fall for us, then the case will be over, and we won't go to jail."

"What about the evidences?" Ashley asks

"As long as you burned everything, or keep the evidences where nobody is able to find them, then you're good to go."

"But, the phone. I still can't find it, what if someone found it before me and saw the footage? We'll still be doomed!"

"Shut the fvck up, Ashley! You're overthinking everything! If you can't find it, then no one else can find it. You misplaced it, and that's a good thing for us. No evidence, no jail for 15 years." Clarke stated as he aggressively grabbed Ashley's cheeks

"I don't want to be imprisoned for 15 years...."

"Then, shut your godd*mn mouth, will you!?"

Ashley nodded, I continue eating my food as if they weren't arguing beside me or something.

"I'm going to call my mom and my lawyer, we can execute this successfully with their cooperations." I said as I dialed my mom's phone number

"How can you even get Mr. Peterson's fingerprint?"

"I have his fingerprint in one of my ballpen he borrowed weeks ago."

"You didn't use the ballpen, didn't you?" Clarke asks

"My nanny bought it for me, it looks cheap so I didn't bother to touch it. She insisted that ballpen can give you good luck and puts it on my pencil case. While Mr. Peterson didn't brought his ballpen, I offer to borrow mine, he picked it up in my pencil case and puts it back again after using it."

"How convenience."

I grin, "I know right, that cheap pen does give you good luck."

After lunch, the three of us skipped our classes together. My mom and my lawyer agreed with my plan, they then bribed the police officer to scan his finger print.

As soon as we obtain the evidence that showed his fingerprint, we head to Mr. Peterson's office. He found him, doing something on his laptop.

"May I know why did you come into my office without knocking?" He said

"Professor, this is about Camille's death." I stated

"Ah," he takes off his spectacle, and said, "The atheist top student of Venezia Academy. What about her? Have they found evidences about her death yet?"

"T-They do..." Ashley uttered

"Good, then go report that to the dean, I have work to finish."

"Unfortunately, Mr. Peterson, they found an evidence near her crime scene, and they perform an autopsy to it. It matches your fingerprint."

He look at us with a perplexed expression, "What?"

"You're now one of the suspect, sir.."

He laughs, "Hold on now, how did my fingerprint get in there?

"I don't know, sir, you tell us. Did you perhaps killed Camille Bryony because she's an atheist?" Clarke stated

"How could you accused me of something I didn't do!?"

"The evidence don't lie, Mr. Peterson, cut the act." I inserted

"There must've been some mistake, I didn't murder that student!" He yelled

"But you hate her, right? That must be the reason why you killed her." I added

"I do hate her for not believing in God, but that doesn't mean I would kill her for the same reason!"

"So you admit that you hated her? There's also a possibility you killed,"

"Why are you forcing me to admit something I didn't do!?"

"Why are you denying the evidences, Mr. Peterson? Your fingerprint was found in the crime scene!"

"I- I'm calling the cops..." Ashley immediately dialed the cops

"No! Don't call the cops! I didn't kill her!" Mr Peterson begged as he kneeled in front of us

"We don't have any choice, Mr. Peterson. We can't have a murderer as our professor." Clarke stated

"Please, t-this will cost me everything! I didn't kill her! Please believe me!"

"I hate it when criminals still pretended they're innocent. Cut the cr*p, murderer." I whispered into his ears

Lot of police that my mom bribed immediately broke into his office.

"Mr. Kennedy Peterson, you're under arrest for murdering your student."

"I didn't kill her! You must believe me! I didn't kill her!" He screams

The dean immediately appears and asks, "What's this commotion all about!?"

I handed the paper where the 'evidence' are, and said, "He was the murderer behind Camille Bryony's case."

The dean looks at the paper with disbelief in his eyes

"Don't listen to them! I didn't kill Camille!"

I look at the dean and said, "Where do you want to believe? The fact that is already in your hands, or this murderer who keeps denying the fact?"

The dean thought for a second, he then told the cops, "Take him, I don't want to see your face ever again!"

"How could you do this to me! I told you, I didn't kill her! I swear to heavens above, I didn't kill her! God knows it!" He keeps yelling

As they take him out of the Academy, we stayed in his office

"We did it, the case is finally over." Clarke stated

Ashley uttered, "I feel bad..."

"Oh please, as if you felt bad when you witnessed Camille died that day." I said, and rolled my eyes, I then added, "No matter how much you tried to change yourself, you can't get over the fact that you're part of Camille's tragic death."

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