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Queen Cherith would not let me go if I said I would go to Gibbethon Empire for some business. Our empire and their empire are not on good terms. Therefore, I conclude that I shall escape tonight. I prepared my things and put a decoy in my bed. This thing might distract them. I took a rope and tied it to my balcony. If I got out of the main gate, they'd surely catch me, and I'd be doomed.

I won't take the horse tonight either; they'll be suspicious if one of them is missing. Therefore, I must go to where I need to go on foot. After I got my things ready, I took the rope and slid down from my balcony onto the ground.

"Who's there?!"

I heard a guard's voice. I can hear them coming in this very direction. I decided to hide behind the corner until they were gone. As soon as I heard them walking away, I checked everywhere to make sure they were not around, and then I am good to go.

I decided to climb the wall. I lifted my skirt and tried to climb it, but I could not. The next thing I know is that I fell to the ground pretty badly. "Sh*t." I groan

I stood up and looked at the wall in front of me, "Alright, you want to do this the hard way, huh," I stated to myself

I glanced around me and saw a tree in the palace's garden. That tree was isolated from the rest of the garden, and the tree's branch is close enough to the wall to climb into, I'll be able to reach the edge of the wall and jump out.

I began working on my plan, and since I have climbed a lot in the modern world, I do not worry about scaling a tree like this. This layered piece of clothing is the only thing that worries me. I knew I should have worn something light, like my nightgown.

I lifted my skirt again, and I started climbing the tree. I carefully did it so I wouldn't fall again like I did earlier until I successfully reached the branch. I slowly stood up on the tree, and then I successfully landed my feet on the edge of the wall. I then jumped on the other side of the wall, outside the palace. I kept running until I was unable to see the palace anymore.

I decided to rest under the tree and catch my breath for a minute or two. I look at my pocket watch; it is already past 10 p.m. The train's availability is at 6 a.m. I have to get to the train station before they realize I have been missing. I stood up again and started walking. My only guide to my path is the street lights. The town's capital is still miles away from where I stand, and since I'm walking, it'll take more than two hours to reach it. Then, I guess, I won't sleep tonight. If I travel with a horse or carriage, I will be there before midnight.

The town is awfully quiet during the night, and all the stores are closed, and I won't lie, the ambiance is creepy. As I walk, all I can hear are the crickets and the wind, not until I hear footprints

I turned around and saw no one, I am getting goosebumps. I embrace myself and become cautious of my surroundings. But then someone grabbed me by my wrist.

"Hey, let me go!" I yelled. However, instead of letting me go, he suddenly lifts me off of the ground and carries me in bridal style. "I said let me go, you bastard! Do you know who are you dealing with?! I am a princess of this empire, so let me go!"

He did not bother to speak with me; he suddenly ran away with me. I did not have a choice but to hold tightly. I closed my eyes since all the moving and running was making me dizzy.

Before I knew it, he stopped and caught his breath. I took that opportunity and smacked him

"Ow!" he growls

"Let me go, kidnapper!" I yelled

"Kidnapper? I just saved your life!" he yelled back

"What are you talking about?!"

"Someone was after you, and you did not even sense it? Additionally, you dare blame me," he added

I did not respond; someone was after me? Was it the rebel?

He grabbed his hat and fixed his hair. I was stunned by his appearance, but that does not cover the fact that he took me out of nowhere, and I do have to thank him for saving my life from those rebels. His physique is similar to the guy who danced with me on my birthday, so I looked him in the eye and noticed that they had the same eye shape.

He glared at me and said, "What are you looking at?"

"It is you, isn't it?" I asked. He glances away and checks if the area is clear. I suddenly feel furious after he ignores me, "Well, answer me," I added

"The area is clear; let's go," he stated

"You have to answer me first." I insisted, but then he put his hat onto my head, lifted me again and carried me. He ran again with me in his arms. "Answer me!" I yelled

"Shut your mouth first!" he yelled back again

"You better know what you're doing! If I get hurt, I'll hunt you for life!"

I can see him roll his eyes and utter, "Geez, shut up."

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