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I sat on the side, hopelessly. I wasted a lot of time just to get here, but then I missed it!? Dang it, I should have not slept.

"Heya, mate, I am hungry, let's go grab something to eat,"

"Can't, mate, I have to stay here. But can you bring me a chicken sandwich, yeah?"


I heard the conversation of these two men guarding the station. I may have an idea, however, it's not the brightest one.

I have to cross the border between the Mortimer Empire and Gibbethon Empire. In the ancient books, King Raphe found a shortcut to enter the Mortimer Empire's border without getting caught. This station was the first route, and the second was... in the woods.

I looked in the direction, not far away from here. The station is near the same woods where King Raphe's miners entered years ago.

I got up and hopped on Bernard's back. "Let's go, boy," I uttered

As soon as we reached the woods, I had to stop. The whole area was filled with guards.

"Dang it, seriously....."

I'm gonna be busted once they see me. Then all of my efforts will be wasted and I'm gonna be grounded, that's for sure.

I need another plan

Plan A was to go to Gibbethon Empire with the locomotive train, however, I missed it. The plan B is to cross the border by going to the same route King Raphe discovered, however, I did not anticipate that some knights are guarding this area. So the plan C is to distract them, but the question is... How can I do that?

I have to think and brainstorm everything!

The original Evaine is good at making wicked schemes. I have to think like her. In the novel, she once let out a giant bear inside the castle just to scare the Queen's visitor. She also places a bee hive in Zillah's room. She then throws swords at the knights during their training

Argh! I can't do any of those! I am not good at making such schemes as her!

Wait, that's it. I may not be able to create such evil deeds as her, but I can lie. I have been lying my entire life after I reincarnated as Evaine, so why not use such talent now?

All I have to do is disguise myself as an old woman and pretend I lost my grandson since I am a traveler. Easy peasy. But the only problem is, will they buy such an act? Well, I have to try.

I went to the nearest shed and dressed up like an old commoner woman. I have to cover my face, of course, I can't reveal my identity.

I took a deep sigh and began acting like an old woman. I walked towards them. But, a guard stopped me when I was about to pass them by

"What do you think you're doing?" He asked

I then answered with my pretend old woman voice, "Pardon me, young lad, I am a traveler, and I lost my grandson. I have to find him, this horse right here is our horse..."

"Who are you?"

"I am just a simple commoner, I go by the name Helen."

Another guard comes in and asks, "May we see your face so we can identify you?"

"Uh.... No, you may not. I have a very contagious illness you see, and my illness has affected my physical appearance, including my face."

They then step away from me, "Is your illness incurable?"

"I have suffered from this illness for as long as I can remember, and do not have enough money to see a doctor. So I guess, it is incurable."

"Argh, disgusting."

"Please get out of the empire before you start a plague that may affect all the people living here."

"But I have to find my grandson—"

"We don't care, you have to get out of here. Don't ever think about coming back here again,"

They push me with a stick and throw that stick in my direction. I was so pissed at how they treated me. But, I am in disguise, I cannot let my frustration out. Is this how they treat the commoners or travelers here?

Well, I can deal with it later on. All I have to do is get away from them before I can ride onto Bernard's back.

"You didn't touch that old woman, didn't you?"

"Of course not, I would never touch an old person, especially a commoner."

"Good. If you get her illness, I'm telling everyone that you started the plague."

"Hey! I did not touch her!"

I rolled my eyes after I heard those guard's conversation. Let's just see how much they want to keep their job after I finish this mission

As soon as I walked far away from them, I hopped into Bernard's back. "Next stop, the Gibbethon Empire. I'm going to give them the piece of my mind."

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