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"You don't want that to happen, do you?" I asks at him, maintaining an eye contact without showing any fear towards him

"Are you threatening me!?"

"I am threatening you. You dared speak in such illiterate manner, thus, I will show you no remorse."

"Don't you dare!"

He dashes towards me while clenching his fist. I closed my eyes because I thought he was gonna hit me. But, I didn't feel anything. I opened my eyes and saw the boy they were beating up earlier in front of me. A blood drips from his face. I was so shock to witness how he uses his face as a shield to protect me

"What are you—"

I didn't finished my sentence because he immediately cuts me off, "M-my mother once told me, real man will never hit a woman. And if I ever witness someone hurting a woman, I should step forward and receive that hit in her stead."

The four boys were laughing at him, "Girls' existence are worthless in this world! Who protects the empire? Men! Who runs all the institution? Men! Now step back before you receive another beating from me, low life!"

"Shut up!" The boy yelled, "I don't care how much beating my body will receive as long as you will never hurt this lady!"

"That's it, you ask for it."

He was about to beat him again. I immediately grabbed a branch from the ground and hit that patriarchy supporter jerk.

He immediately passed out. It shock most of them, even the boy who was covered in bruises was surprised as he looks at me

I offered my hand to him, but he hesitate to accept it

"Don't worry, I'm not gonna hit you with this branch." I uttered and smiled

The three boys run and left the boy laying on the ground

"What should we do with him?" The boy with lots of bruises asks

"I guess we'll bring him to general Anderson," I suggested, "I'm Evaine Mortimer, what's your name?"

"N-Noah.... Qeizach..."

"Nice to meet you, sir Noah Qeizach,"

"Call me Noah, please, the 'sir' thing is making me uncomfortable, considering that I'm only a commoner."

"Addressing you as 'sir' is just a natural respect." I uttered, "Anyway, are you still okay? I need someone to help me lift his body so we can bring him to the general."

"I think I can manage..."

"You sure? Your bruises looks really bad,"

"It's fine, I've been dealing with these for days now,"

"I thought the bullying thing that's going on inside this school has been already taken care of? That's what the general said earlier,"

"He did took care of it, but Alexander is a spoiled and stubborn kid. That's not a surprise since he was raised inside the house of Davis."

"I see, so he is a son of a nobleman. No surprise, indeed." I commented, "So... Are we gonna move him or you want to rest first?"

"Oh, uhm, yeah, let's lift him, I can help,"

We began carrying him all the way to the tea room where her majesty and the general is.

"Oh my goodness, Evaine!" The queen exclaimed as soon as she saw me, "I know you'd comeback, but I didn't expect you will bring bruised young man, and a unconscious boy!"

"I'm sorry, but this unconscious boy was beating this young man earlier,"

"Oh god, I'm apologize about this, your majesty. I didn't know this thing will happen during your visit."

"I did not anticipate this neither. Tell me what happened Evaine," the queen stated

"Well, I was taking a stroll at the garden and picked these flowers for you and for Merry," I said as I showed her the flowers, "All of the sudden, I heard loud thuds behind the tree. I noticed four boys that were beating him. Then one of them tried to hit me, but this young man took the hit in my stead. This unconscious boy tried to beat him again but I hit him with a branch I found in the ground."

"Oh for Pete's sake, Evaine...." The queen sighed

"I'm really sorry, but this boy was hurt more than this unconscious brat. General, please let him recover,"

"I'll do my best to bring him back into his normal state. Those bruise are deep,"

"Yeah, some might be infected too,"

"That's not good," he looks at his wife and stated, "Emma, please tell the physician to visit here, we have two patients,"

"Sure thing," Emma immediately dashes outside

Noah gazed at me and gave me a faint smile. I smile back and walked towards the queen

"Are you mad at me?" I muttered

The queen touched my cheeks, and said, "I'm not, as long as you tell me everything in the carriage,"

I nod my head

I turn my head to face Noah again, and I gave him a thumbs up

Minutes later, Emma came back, "I just received a letter from the physician, and he will be here in two minutes,"

"That's good, well, we'll have to go. Thank you for the warm welcome, general Anderson, and the tea is very delicious, Emma," the queen stated

"Thank you, your majesty,"

"It's a pleasure to have your acquaintance today, your majesty,"

"I'll be back next week to check everything up,"

"Yes, your majesty," general Anderson stated as he bows his head

I was about to go but Noah gently touched my shoulder, "Are you gonna visit here again?" He asks

"Of course, but you have to recover first." I respond

He smiles and bows his head, "It was lovely to meet you, your highness,"

"It was lovely to meet you too, Noah,"

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