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It's the time. The moment I walk down that room, everyone will gaze at me as they witness my coming of age.

"Let us welcome the princess and the heir of Mortimer Empire, as she embarks on a new journey of her life, Princess Evaine Leanor Mortimer!" the emcee stated

The door opened and I saw everyone clapping, smiling, and calling me as soon as I appeared

I saw Zillah, Her Majesty, and Sir Fergus in the front clapping their hand. I can't help but feel flattered, I didn't know they're gonna greet me like this.

I thought my fate would be going south after the encounter I had with that unknown lady. I didn't know but I was feeling uneasy before.

"Eva! Happy birthday!" Zillah greeted me and embraced me

"Thank you, Zillah," I simply stated

"I have a gift for you, but you'll have to wait, I am saving it for later."

"You really don't have to,"

"No, I insist. That small gesture you showed me a decade ago, made a great impact on me, and just this once I wanted to give you something. A small thing that you can carry wherever you go, so you can remember me and everything we've been through together, from strangers to sisters."

To be honest, she's the purest thing in the whole world, no wonder why she was called a saint in the novel.

"Thank you, Zillah, I can't wait to see it later," I uttered and hugged her again

"My dearest, you look so gorgeous tonight, I am so proud of you," Queen Cherith stated

"Thank you, Your Majesty," I bow my head to her. She embraced me, and I embraced her back

She might not be my real mother, but at this moment, I feel like I was hugging my real mom. It somewhat feels like.... home

"I don't wanna ruin the moment but it seems like the emcee was about to raise a toast." Fergus said, tapped my shoulder, and smiled at me, "Happy birthday, kid, be the strongest woman you can be."

"Thank you," I bowed my head as a respect

"May I request her Highness's presence in the front?" The emcee stated

The servant is pouring wine in my glass, "As we celebrate the legality of Princess Evaine Leanor Mortimer, as her subject in the forthcoming future, we hereby bless you with our long-lasting support as we look forward to your reign. Everyone, let's raise a toast for Princess Evaine, and as we drink this wine, we may remember this memorable moment in her life. Cheers!" The emcee stated and raised his glass of wine

"Cheers!" The nobles exclaimed in unison

Zillah cannot drink the wine at the moment, I am a year older than her so it's reasonable. I smiled as I raised my toast and drank it

This wine is more exquisite than most of the local wines in modern stores back in the real world. Most of them are a little bit bitter, but this one has a sweet aftertaste to it.

The dance started, sir Fergus asked my mom for a dance, while Zillah was dancing with Noah.

A gentleman with a mask on suddenly approached me, he extended his hands as if he were asking for a dance.

I cannot identify who he is because of his mask.

I was hesitant to accept it since he's a total stranger, but everyone is watching us. It would be rude to decline a dance in front of this individuals

I accepted his hands, he escorted me to the center of the room. The orchestra started playing very slow yet endearing music.

I gaze at his eyes to identify who this guy is but nothing comes to my mind. I haven't seen him before. But, why would he want to dance with me, a stranger?

Well, I am no stranger in the empire since I am the princess.

We danced as long as the music went on. Everybody stopped dancing, they gave the entire space for the both of us to dance.

He still dancing like we're the only ones in this very room. Without any care in the world. Aside from having his mask on, I cannot seem to read what's on his mind as we're moving. He keeps staring at me without saying anything, and he looks like he's in a very deep thoughts.

As soon as the music stopped he let go and bowed his head after me. The crowd began coming at me and asking for a dance, but all I could see was him walking away from the room

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