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It was already morning, I am sitting in the dining table alongside with everyone. I was still thinking about that mysterious gentleman last night. It was like Cinderella, but in a opposite way

"Evaine, dear? Why aren't you touching your food? Don't you like it?" Her majesty asked

I was in my deep thoughts, I forgot eating my breakfast, "Oh, I apologize."

"It's okay, you can rest of you're tired, I'll just order the maid to give you another food later."

"It's fine. I am not tired, I was just thinking about something."

"What is it?"

"Is it about the guy you dance with last night?" Fergus asked

"Well.... I..." I didn't know what to say, the only thing that comes out of my words are stutters

"Father, I think Eva is a little bit uncomfortable with the topic." Zillah said

"You're right, I am sorry, Evaine."

"N-No, please, it's fine." I uttered

Zillah looks at me with a worried eyes, "Eva, how about we go shopping today after breakfast? In that way, you can ease your mind."

I smiled, "Sure, we can."

And so, after breakfast, I went to my room to bath myself. Merry didn't talk to me, but I convinced myself that she's tired from enjoying the party last night then have to work in the morning again.

After my refreshing bath, she helped me with my garments, I put my make up while she combs my hair. Suddenly, Zillah walked into my room

"Eva! Are you ready?" She exclaimed. As usual, she's so full of energy

"Almost done," I stated. After Merry combs my hair, I grabbed a little box and gave it to Zillah, "This was your gift, and I am going to wear it. Can you help me put it on?"

Zillah was too stunned, she smiles and nodded her head, "I would love to!"

Her gift was a pendant, a diamond pendant with my name on it.


"Thank you, Zillah. I love it," I stated and embraced her

"Come on, let's go, the carriage is waiting for us." She grabbed my hands and took me out of my room

We headed to the outside and got into the carriage.

"I found a new clothing store in the capital, and I thought it would be nice for us to check it out." She said excitedly, "I can't wait."

I simply laugh at her behavior. She's like a child, in a cute way

As soon as we arrived in the capital, the coach escorted us out of the carriage.

"You can wait for us while enjoying yourself. Here's extra cash for you to spend. After we're done shopping, we can head home directly." I said and gave him a small bag full of money

"Yes, your highness." He responds as he accepted the bag

"Come on now, Eva, the capital awaits!"

We walked around the capital to find the clothing store she mentioned. After we found it, we entered the store and started looking for clothes.

The clothes are pricey but it's a good thing we bought a lot of gold coins with us.

"Look, Eva, this cost 300 silver coins," Zillah stated as she looked at the clothes

"Only 300 silver coins? I thought these clothes cost more than that." I stated

"C'mon now, Eva, we are just used to the dresses that personal designers made for us. I heard it's good for a princess to support her local sellers too, you know. It'll be a great way for you to be productive and connected with your people." Zillah added

I grin at her, "Are you trying to cheer me up?"

"Well, I tried, did it work?" she asked

"Sure," both of us laugh, "Oh, well, do you like it?"

"Very much. The embroidery and stitches are remarkable. Better than the one I used the other day,"

"Well, then I'll buy it for you."

"Oh, Eva, you don't have to, I have my own pocket money."

"I insist, Zillah. In fact, I'm going to buy one for myself too," I said, In this universe, 1000 silver coins are equivalent to 2 gold coins, however, gold coins are usually used by aristocratic people while silver coins are usually used by low-income class, or commoners, and middle-class people. I picked a dress of my choice and gave our clothes to the lady who works there.

"I am so glad for my store to be blessed by Her Highness's presence. Businesses in this town are usually run by men, this is the first store to be run by a woman." She said

"Good for you, did you earn a lot today?" I asked

"No. This is my first sale ever since I opened."

"No wonder the store seemed empty when we came in," Zillah uttered

I looked at the lady, she smiled at me. It was getting awkward after what Zillah said, "Is there any chance I could help?"

"Well, it would be nice if society accepted women as a businesswoman, and not criticize them. But, what can we do? Men dominated the whole business industry, and so as the others."

"You know you can make a huge change right at this very moment, right?" I said

"I don't know about that, your highness. Everything is not all rainbows and unicorns. It's easy to think about making a difference as a woman, but it's hard to do it." She added, "Well, thank you for coming by, you highness, and lady Zillah."

"You know me?" Zillah asked

"Of course, you're from the house of Vandenberg. You know, your aunt made a name for herself. The rumor spread faster than a running cheetah."

"What did she do?"

"She told everyone that you're going to be the next in line for the queen's throne." The lady stated

Zillah and I looked into each other. She looked like she didn't know what was going on.

"She said that once the queen died she would pass the throne to you. Although, Princess Evaine is clearly the next in line for the throne," the lady continued

"Eva, I want to get out of here," Zillah whispered to my ears

I smiled at the lady, "I'll be purchasing the dresses, here's my payment" I dropped 10 gold coins on her desk and grabbed Zillah's wrist to get out of the store

"Oh my, your highness, you forgot your change!"

"Keep it!" I yelled, "I hope it can help expand your business!"

As soon as we got out, I noticed Zillah seemed a bit pale after what that lady said.

"Zillah, are you okay?" I asked

A tear fell from her eye, "No..."

"Do you want to go back to the palace?"


"Well, uhm, would you like to talk things with me over a cup of tea?"

She smiled at me faintly, "I would love that."

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