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We went to a local tea shop to buy our tea and some sweets.

"Would you like us to brew your tea, Your Highness?" The man asked

"Yes, please." I stated, I looked at Zillah and said, "After we drink the tea, we can go to the seaside."

Zillah smiles and nods. We sat on an empty table while we waited for our order.

"I cannot believe she spread such obnoxious rumors about me." Zillah uttered, "She is my family, but after what she puts me through, I don't want her to be part of who I am today. She's nothing but a gold digger."

"Why did she say that you'll be sitting on the throne instead of me?" I asked

She shrugs her shoulder, "I have no idea."

The man arrives with our tea and sweets.

I drank the tea, I can't help but wonder, what did her aunt do to her? Just thinking about it, it seems like I do not know anything about Zillah than I thought. The novel didn't mention anything personal about her, it was just how lovely, and good she is that all people want her to reign instead of Evaine.

"It seems like you suffered from a trauma, Zillah. Was it because of your aunt?"

She nodded her head, "Yes, Eva."

I put down my cup and gaze at her, "You know, I suffered from a trauma too. I didn't tell anyone about this, but I was bullied."

"Oh my, someone bullied you from Solomon Institution?"

"No, it's complicated to explain. Anyway, they burned my hair and beat me until my limbs were numb. And, I think they got away."

"Got away?"

I nod, "They got away after what they did to me. I know this isn't the same as what you went through, but I wanted you to know that you are loved by many people, especially us."

She smiled and held my hands, "I am so happy to meet you, Eva."

"Me too, Zillah." I added, "And you don't have to worry about your aunt. She's spreading false rumors, you can ignore it until Her Majesty does something about it."

"Uhm, can I ask you something, Eva?" She asked


"I never heard you address her majesty as 'mom'. I know you're royalty and all, but you're still a family."

"Like I said, it's complicated to explain. However, I want her to know that I love her, and I am thankful that she always supports me behind my back even if I don't show it to her."

"I see." Zillah stated, "You're lucky you have her. She's a good ruler, and a good mother figure to me."

I simply smile at her. I took a bite of my dessert. After the unfortunate event, my queen mother went through, I am lucky to be alive because of her. Even though I am the seed from a non-marriage intercourse.

After we chatted and had a good tea time together, I left five gold coins on the table and then we directly went to the seaside to have fun.

"Are we going to play on the water?" Zillah asked

"Of course, you've never done this before?" I respond, Zillah shakes her head as her answer, "Then come on, take off your shoes, and let's start splashing!"

"I don't know about that—"

Zillah didn't finish her sentence as I splashed her with seawater. I laugh because of her expression. She immediately took off her shoes and went to the water. She splashes a lot of seawater as her revenge.

We played there until both of us were soaking wet from all the splashing.

Zillah and I got out of the water, she then exclaimed "That was fun!"

"I know, right? My hands are numb from all the splashing."

"Me either." She said, "I cannot believe I missed such fun in my entire life. Let's do it again!"

She immediately went back to the water and splashed me a lot. I followed her and splashed her back

"Oh my, I can feel my makeup washing off," I stated

"Mine too!" Zillah exclaimed. Both of us laughed at our looks right now.

"C'mon, let's make a sand castle," I stated

"What's a sand castle?" She asked

"A sand castle is a castle made of sand. But you can also create other things with it, like a volcano,"

"Okay, let's build one!"

We started building our mini castle. A minute later, it doesn't look like a castle anymore. More like, a pyramid from Egypt."

"Eva, I found this stick and this small piece of paper. I thought it'll be great to create a mini flag for our castle!"

"Cool! I'll add a garden to our castle."

We continued working on our sand castle. An hour later, after adding a lot of details and other, we finally finished our castle.

"And there, the whole Mortimer Empire on the sand!" Zillah stated. She looks at her dress and mine, "We are dirty for doing all of that."

"Well, the last one on the water will be facing a huge splash in her face" I immediately ran towards the water after I said it

"Hey! No fair!"

I splashed Zillah in her face. Both of us are enjoying this day until sunset

"Let's watch the sunset," I stated. We got out of the water and sat on the sand beside the sand castle we made

"Time flies so fast." Zillah uttered, "I wish this day could last forever."

"Time flies when you're having fun. Did you have a lot of fun?"

"I am!" Zillah exclaimed and we both chuckled, "Thank you for bringing me here. I wasn't this carefree up until now."

"Me either. After all the pressure of me being the next heir and a student, it's nice to have some fun once in a while."

We stayed there until the sun completely set. We grabbed our things and went home.

As soon as we got there, the Queen greeted us, "Oh my, both of you are wet! Where you've been!?"

"It's alright, mother, we just went shopping and played a little in the sea," I said

"Both of you are not hurt, aren't you?"

"Of course, we only played in water."

"Eva and I made a whole Mortimer Empire with sand!" Zillah added, "It was nice."

"I'm glad you two had fun, now wash up and we'll be having dinner soon." Queen Cherith stated

Zillah held my hands, "Thank you again. That was a great day"

I smiled at her. I never thought I'd have this so much fun again after I died, It was a great day indeed.

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