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The people of the town stood outside watching Diane, who was looking at her captain. "This medicinal plant is my own special concoction. I guarantee it'll ease the suffering." The doctor spoke, pouring the medicine into the blonde's mouth. "Thank you for seeing him, Dr. Dana." Elizabeth says, sitting beside the bed. "Based on his injuries, it's a miracle that he's still alive. In addition to the rather deep sword wound, he has burns as if he were struck by lightning. How did a child get these?" Dr. Dana wonders. "He's very adventurous," Celeste replies, seemingly accepting that answer, the doctor leaves the room. Celeste walks over to the Meliodas taking the cloth off his head and rinsing it. "It's because of me," Elizabeth says. "Hm?" Hawk hums. "I said I wanted to stop the Holy Knights. That's what led him to look for the Seven Deadly Sins and cause this-" Elizabeth continues. "Don't jump to conclusion, Meliodas has always been looking for the sins even before you came along, so you're not the reason he's looking for them which means you shouldn't blame yourself for what happened, if anything I'm the one to blame since I just sat back and watched," Celeste tells her wringing the cloth and placing it back on Meliodas' forehead. 

"I don't even know what he wants me to do." Celeste sighs, sitting beside the blonde. "I'm sure, Sir Meliodas wouldn't want you to blame yourself. Sir Meliodas, I hope you feel better soon," Elizabeth says. "So what are we supposed to do now?" Hawk asks. "Maybe we should just stay here until he wakes up. We'll go to Baste prison later." Elizabeth suggests. "I'm gonna start heading in that direction right now," Diane says. "Once the captain wakes up, I'm pretty sure he'll want to go there right away and not waste any more time," Diane explains. "But I can't let him do that till I know all his wounds have healed. Take care of him, Celeste." Diane says, standing up. "Take care of yourself." Celeste tells the giant as she walks away. Instead of letting the giant go, however, Elizabeth and Hawk chased her. "Meliodas, you idiot. Why did you have to do that?" Celeste asks once she is alone. "You act like I can- oh!" Celeste gasped, realizing what he wanted her to do. "You want me to heal you! I haven't healed someone in so long that I forgot I was able to do that." Celeste sighs, shaking her head. "Stupid Celeste." She chastises herself, kneeling beside the blonde she holds her hands over him, and they glow green, healing his wounds. "Now, let's hope you wake up soon. As for me, I'll be taking a nap." She says, laying beside him and falling asleep.


"Poor Lady Celeste, she must've been tired." Elizabeth says, looking at the sleeping goddess. "Can you believe they're still asleep even after all that racket outside?" Hawk asks a knock on the door causes them to look in its direction to see the doctor. "Just checking on how the patient's doing." He says. "Better thanks to you. That medicine of yours seems to have him sleeping well." Elizabeth states. "Yeah, it's almost like he's dead or something." Hawk adds. "Hawk please, don't say things like that!" Elizabeth tells the pig, causing Celeste to wake up. "In fact, it's quite accurate." Dr. Dana says causing Elizabeth to gasp. "Doctor you've done well. It appears you were successful in your task." A voice comes out of nowhere causing Celeste to hop off the bed and stand protectively in front of Elizabeth. "What the?" Hawk gasps. "Is someone there?" Elizabeth asks looking around. "Belladonna, Spanish fly, Nightshade, and Henbane were all ingredients I used to create the poison. My condolences but this boy will never wake up again." Dr. Dana shares. "That medicine wasn't meant to treat his injuries?" Elizabeth asks, turning to the doctor, while Celeste looks around the room trying to figure out where the voice came from. 

"Even with our great power, we knew it'd be impossible to face a member of the Seven Deadly Sins and emerge unscathed." The voice says again. "Besides the kingdom made it clear, we could use any means necessary." The voice continues. "Who even are you?" Celeste asks looking around. "It's a pleasure to meet you. I am the Holy Knight Golgius, member of the Weird Fangs." The man says revealing himself. "A Holy Knight." Elizabeth says. "You guys just keep making it harder for me not to hurt you." Celeste sighs. "What the heck? When did he?" Hawk asks. "Princess Elizabeth, Lady Celeste, I have come to take you both back to the kingdom of Liones." Golgius says bowing.

" Golgius says bowing

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