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The Boar Hat had moved from Vaizel and was now in a different town. Meliodas, Celeste, and Elizabeth stood on Mama Hawk's head, and Diane walked beside the pig. "Hey, Captain, is around here okay?" Diane asks, surveying the area. "Yeah, it's a little far from town, but we ought to be alright if we can do some promoting." Meliodas tells her. "Thanks for everything, Hawk's Mom! Why don't you rest a bit too, Diane?" Elizabeth suggests. "Sure! I'll just grab a little shut-eye till the tavern opens then!" Diane says, lying down. "Good night, you guys." She tells them. "Good night, Diane." Celeste replies, walking back into the tavern with the other two. "All right, everyone! Why don't we get ready to open up? Us guys will handle the food stocks. Now, Elizabeth, go down to the town and spread the word. And could you also buy some herbs while you're out there?" Meliodas instructs. 

"Sure!" Elizabeth replies. "Hawk, Celeste, you should go with her for support." Meliodas tells the two. "That's fine by me, but do you really think she'll be okay?" Hawk asks. "Uh... I'm perfectly capable of going shopping." Elizabeth defends herself. "I know, but the Holy Knights are still after you, aren't they? I mean, wouldn't it be better if you'd just stay here?" Hawk asks. "Staying cooped up will just get her down! It's fine! If anything happens, I'll rush right there! And Celeste will be with you." Meliodas tells Hawk. "Sir Meliodas." Elizabeth stutters, causing Celeste to frown. "Yeah, but still..." "She'll be fine. She can wear a shawl then it'll be hard to identify her." Celeste suggests. "True." Hawk agrees. "As for me, let me just..." Celeste removes her overskirt, sleeves, sword, and bead, placing them behind the counter. "Ooh." Meliodas says, coming up behind Celeste, wrapping his legs around her waist, groping her. "Meliodas, stop!" Celeste squeaks, blushing out of embarrassment, and Elizabeth frowns.


"We're going now!" Elizabeth announces, wearing a shawl and carrying a basket. "Okay. Be careful!" Meliodas tells them, waving. Elizabeth looks back at the males who one by one ran into the forest.


"I'm curious..." Elizabeth starts, hanging a flyer on the wall. "has Sir Meliodas ever carried a real weapon?" She asks. "Beats me. At least I've never seen him with one, anyway. What about you Celeste?" Hawk turns to the Goddess who is surveying the area. "He did once. It was twice his size." Celeste shares. "Really?" Elizabeth asks. "Mm-hmm, but that was a long time ago, now he just has that broken sword." The white-haired woman explains. "Elizabeth! Find cover!" Hawk shouts. Celeste looks where Hawk is looking and grabs Elizabeth's arm, pulling her behind a bush, and Hawk follows. They peek out from behind the bush, seeing Holy Knights speaking with the villagers. "They're Holy Knights, but..." Elizabeth trails off. 

"You think they've already sniffed you out?" Hawk asks. "Hmm. So, Holy Knights have senses of smell as sharp as an animal's, huh?" A newcomer asks. "No way, man, my nose is way better than all of theirs." Hawk replies, then they realize what happened and turn to look at the person. "Hey. Are the three of you playing hide-and-seek, as well?" The green-haired boy asks. "Uh... hi." Elizabeth greets skeptically. "Who are you?" Celeste asks. "I beg your pardon, I should have introduced myself first. Hello there, young ladies." He greets. "Yes, hello." Elizabeth greets back, looking at the ground. "Hello to you, too." Celeste waves. "And also... oinkity oink oink!" He says to Hawk. "You making fun of me?" Hawk asks, upset. "Ah! There's a pig who can speak like a person?" The boy says, shocked. 

'Top tier acting.' Celeste deadpans in her mind. "Huh?" Hawk asks. "Yes, it is startling at first, isn't it?" Elizabeth asks. "Don't tell me those guys from the kingdom are after you, too?" Hawk asks him. "Hold on, 'Too?' Are they after you both and that creature?" The boy asks, confused. "You know I can talk now, so quit ignoring me!" Hawk shouts. "Calm down, piggy." Celeste advises rubbing his head. Celeste stands up and helps Elizabeth up before turning to face the boy. "I'm Alan." Alan introduces himself. "I'm..." "Hold on, Elizabeth! Fugitives shouldn't tell people their names!" Hawk tells her. "Yes, you're right, Hawk!" Elizabeth agrees, and Celeste facepalms. "You're Elizabeth and Hawk, huh?" Alan asks. "Oh, no, I just let it slip! I'm so sorry, Elizabeth! This is all my..." Hawk shouts, tears spraying from his eyes. 

"No, it's okay." Elizabeth tells him. "It's good manners to say your names." Alan tells them, turning to Celeste. "Estel." Celeste introduces herself. "Estel?" Hawk asks, turning to the Goddess, who gives him a smile. A flyer flies into Alan's face, so he picks it up and looks down at it. "I can get money for you?" Alan asks, staring at the princess' wanted poster. "If you're selling someone, sell me!" Hawk shouts, making Celeste raise a brow at him. "I'm kidding." Alan says, throwing the poster away. "Alan, do you need money for something?" Elizabeth asks. "We're bribing people now?" Celeste teases. "No, it's not that! It's..." "I'm just teasing." Celeste tells her. "What I really need is some glue to fix armor." Alan speaks up. 

"Armor?" Hawk questions. "Right. Though, it's not as if that'll really help. There's someone suffering, and I'm not sure what it is I should do, or what it is that I should say, or what kind of look I should have on my face. It's not written in any book." Alan shares. "What a weirdo." Hawk comments. "That's not nice." Celeste reprimands the pig."There's nothing you can do, but you still wanna try. I understand, especially if it's someone you cherish." Elizabeth says. "I'm not sure what you mean." Alan replies. "Isn't this somebody you love?" Elizabeth asks. "Let me see. Somebody that I love. The word love is best defined as harboring a strong feeling toward another. Do you have someone like that, too?" Alan asks, and Elizabeth blushes, causing Celeste to sigh. 

"No, I..." "Well, I don't feel like our relationship's like that." Alan cuts her off. "It's a friend then." Celeste suggests. "A friend?" Alan questions. "Not that either, huh?" Celeste asks. "A friend, a companion." Alan mumbles. After speaking with Alan, they part ways, and the trio make their way back to the tavern. "What kind of name is Estel?" Hawk asks. "It's a nickname that wasn't really needed, but I thought why not use it." Celeste shrugs. "Why wasn't it needed?" Elizabeth asks. "Because like he said he's not going to return you. I mean who wants to help the kingdom that framed them?" Celeste asks walking ahead. "What does that mean?" Hawk wonders. "You just met the Seven Deadly Sins, Goat Sin of Lust." Celeste informs, walking faster so that she doesn't have to answer any more questions. 


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