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"The Ten Commandments. Locked away since ancient times, the hand-picked troops of the Demon King himself. They've all been freed from a 3,000-year-old seal. And that's caused these giant monsters to start moving again. Is that what you're telling me?" Arthur repeats what Meliodas and Celeste explained. "I don't blame you for not believing this at first, but everything we said is true." Meliodas tells him. "Indeed, if we hadn't seen that beast with our own eyes, it would have been impossible to believe." Knight 1 says. "To think that ancient Britannia once had monsters like that roaming the continent. It's terrifying." Knight 2 agrees. "If they made those things, then that means The Ten Commandments must be even stronger. Right, Captain? Mother?" Diane asks the two. "And if that's true, how will any of us stand a chance going up against that kind of power?" She asks. "My goodness. Even the form of Hendrickson we faced seems almost sweet by comparison. Right, Gowther?" Slader points out and looks at the doll.

Hawk laughs drawing attention to himself. "It sounds to me like you guys are forgetting something. As long as we've got Meliodas' attack move we'll be able to take anybody down, right?" Hawk asks. "Yes, that's right! Absolutely Sir Pig!" Arthur exclaims. "Sir Pig?" Hawk repeats. "That attack was incredible!" Arthur exclaims once again. "Hehehe, it wasn't really my attack though. More like Lostvayne's special ability. And it's called 'Physical Clone'." Meliodas explains making clones appear. "My, so many? Are they actually real?" Celeste questions. "Why don't we find out." Meliodas responds. The clones lunge at the woman, groping various parts of her body with one even kissing her. Celeste stutters, feeling embarrassed. "Hey!" Hawk shouts, Diane and Slader pry off the clones and beat them up.

"So, if Meliodas' power level is up around 3,370, that means 5 of them would add up to 16,000." Hawk points out looking at the clone's power levels. "Hold on, other than the real Meliodas, the rest only have a little over 420." Hawk shares. "Allow me to explain. By creating a clone the power levels are diluted falling far short of the hosts. For example, one clone's overall power would be half of the original's or 1,685. If there are 4 clones they'll have a fourth of the host power level which comes to 420." Merlin explains. "If that's the case then aren't they all pretty weak?" Hawk asks. "Well, yes, numerically speaking and yet captain's 'Full Counter' is a technique that regardless of his power level can deflect all magical power while using approximately zero of his own." Merlin replies. "Oh, that's cool." "There's no Sacred Treasure that's a better fit for the captain than Lostvayne." Merlin explains and Meliodas chuckles. "Well, what about Celeste? You were a part of the Holy War weren't you?" Hawk asks the Goddess.

"Mm-hmm." Celeste nods. "And you fought the Ten Commandments, didn't you?" Hawk asks. "Yes, and I came out on top each time we fought." Celeste shares proudly. "Great! So you have the power to fight the Ten Commandments and if I remember correctly you have that Goddess thing so we'll totally win!" Hawk boasts. "Uh..." Celeste looks at him not knowing how to tell him that she isn't as strong as she used to be. Thunder roars in the distance causing everyone to look in the direction of the Albion. "Is that thunder?" Slader questions. "No. I don't see any rain clouds." Diane tells him. There's a blast in the distance and everyone senses a huge amount of power. Celeste raises her hand and protects the city with a barrier, but the source of the power breaks through it and lands in front of the group, causing dust to rise. The knights scream. "What's going on?" A knight asks.

Elizabeth lets out a scream so Meliodas and Celeste go over to protect her and Merlin protects Arthur. "Sir Meliodas! Lady Celeste!" The princess looks at them. "Merlin!" Arthur shouts. "Hmm... Seventy-two steps, huh?" A voice says. "Captain, is this..." Diane trails off. "No way! It can't be!" She says in shock. The dust around the figure clears revealing an armored Demon wielding a halberd. "I thought it would only take me 70 steps to come out here. But I suppose I'm out of practice after 3,000 years!" The Demon says. "You're Galand... of the Ten Commandments!" Meliodas says, getting into a fighting stance. Celeste grabs Meliodas' shoulder, staring at Galand with wide eyes and she shakes from fear. "It's been a while, Meliodas. Just as I suspected. It is you, isn't it?" Galand walks up to them cackling. "To think, after all this time has passed, you'd still be in that form!" He says. "But how... How can an evil monster like this even exist in the world?" Diane asks.

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