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Following the mage's magic, Celeste found herself behind Elizabeth. "It can't be, this is Liones?" Elizabeth asks. "It is." Celeste says from behind her, scaring the princess. "Lady Celeste!" Elizabeth beams, going to hug the Goddess only to phase through her, only then did she take in the Goddess' appearance. Celeste looked the same, except she was transparent and looked like the cosmos. "Huh?" Elizabeth hums, confused. "This is my astral form, my real body's back at the Boar Hat." Celeste explains. Elizabeth was going to say something when some groaning interrupted her, causing her to scream. "Is that you, Hawk?" Elizabeth asks, seeing the pig. "Where the hell are we? I've had it with all this crap!" Hawk screams. "Let's go! Let's go, let's go! Super Roast Illusion!" Hawk shouts, crashing through the door, and making Elizabeth flinch. Screams could be heard from Hawk and then he comes back sparkling and bleeding from his behind. "Okay, mission accomplished!" He says. 

"Celeste, what's with the look?" Hawk asks the Goddess. "Astral projection." Celeste simply replies. A door opens, and Hawk looks back seeing a guard. "The hell is going on out here?" The guard asks, yawning. "Quick, hide! It's the lookout!" Elizabeth warns as she and Celeste peek out from behind the wall. "Hawk." Celeste nods at the pig. "You got it. Rolling Ham Attack!" Hawk slams his body into the guard, knocking him into a wall. "All right! Now, let's beat it!" He says. "Okay." Elizabeth replies, following the pig with Celeste close by. 

The trio was wandering around the halls when they stopped hearing explosions. "It sounds like something started up outside. We must be down in the underground pigpen right now." Hawk points out. "That we are." Celeste replies. "Let's head out." Hawk tells them. "A pigpen?" Elizabeth asks. "The dungeon." Celeste replies. "Oh." Elizabeth says, then gasps. They continue walking, with Elizabeth calling out to her father and her sister. "Magaret! Where are you?" Elizabeth calls. "Father!" She shouts. "Hey, if you keep shouting out loud like that, the guards are gonna come!" Hawk tells her. "Yeah, it would be bad, seeing as I can't really do anything in this form." Celeste adds. "Elizabeth?" A voice calls. "Elizabeth... is that you?" The voice calls again. "That sounds like Magaret's voice." Elizabeth says, walking to the door.

 "Big Sister! Is that you, Margaret?" Elizabeth asks, looking through the hole in the door. "Margaret." Celeste says, phasing through the wall and into the cell with the princess. "Mother." Margaret says, smiling down at the Goddess. "Glad to see you safe." Celeste sighs. "Elizabeth. Both Father and I, we've been worried about you for so long now." Margaret tells her sister. "I worried you?" Elizabeth asks. "I'm fine, Margaret. I found Lady Celeste like I promised." She tells her sister. "I can see that." Margaret says, looking at Celeste, who was looking around the room. "I'm proud of you." She adds. "Also, it's strange but--" "I'm sorry, Margaret, we could talk later. Let's get out of here first!" Elizabeth tells her.

"Sisters conferring over a prison break?" The mage from earlier asks, appearing behind Elizabeth, and Celeste phases back out to where the princess is. "Oh, I see Lady Celeste has followed us." She adds, then looks back at Elizabeth. "How did you manage to leave your cell?" The mage asks. "Release my sister this instant!" Elizabeth demands. "You're under the wrong impression. I'll have you know, Princess Margaret entered that cell of her own volition." The mage informs. "Like hell she did." Celeste says, glaring at the mage. "It's perfectly fine if you don't believe me. Now, then, Princess Elizabeth, allow me to take you somewhere safer..." The mage says, backing Elizabeth against the door, and Hawk rams into her knocking her into the wall, while Celeste, although unable to do anything, stands between them. "Who dares?" She asks. "Ultra Knockout Blow Forget Meal! By completely masking my presence, I can attack my enemy's blind spot using this forbidden technique!" Hawk announces. 

"Anyway, you've been totally ignoring me this entire time, lady! So I'm gonna take you on first!" He adds. "Hawk's one interesting character." Celeste mumbles. "Uh-huh." Elizabeth agrees. "A talking... pig?" The mage questions, standing up. "A pig?" She repeats, and the ground below him glows. "Begone!" The mage says, and a bright light consumes Hawk, knocking Elizabeth into the wall behind her and Celeste out of the dungeon. "What the?" Celeste questions, collecting herself. She flies back to the dungeon only to find it empty. "Well, I guess it's time to get my body back." Celeste sighs, flying out of the dungeon, and back to the Boar Hat.

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