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"You dog! Remove your filthy hands from the Princess!" Griamore curses Ban. "That's pretty dirty of you using a woman as your hostage! I mean, good job turning the tables, Ban!" Hawk corrects himself. "Do what I say, and nothing happens to her." Ban tells Griamore. "Now listen up, bring the Captain back, and let the Princess out of that bubble. Do that, and you'll get your woman back." Ban negotiates only to get sliced in the back by a Holy Knight. "You bitch... Jheri curl!" Ban curses her, seeing that Celeste takes her sword out of its sheathe. "Are you all right?" Griamore asks when Veronica falls onto him. "That's 'Jericho'." Jericho corrects him, putting her sword back in its sheathe. "I guess it's finally time for the real star to show his stuff!" Hawk says, shaking in fear. "You don't have to." Celeste tells him. "Take this! Rolling Ham Attack!" Hawk ignores Celeste, charging at the knights. Guila snaps her fingers, and an explosion goes off sending Hawk flying while roasting him in the process. "Hawk! No!" Elizabeth shouts. "That pig never listens." Celeste sighs.

 "We've achieved all of our objectives. Stand down, Lady Celeste." Guila says, walking over to them. "Aegis of the Seraphim!" Celeste shouts, putting up a barrier of divine energy around her and Elizabeth, shocking Guila and causing her to take a few steps back. "Lady Celeste, please release your magic before I'm forced to do it myself." Guila instructs, and Celeste ignores her, breaking Elizabeth out of the sphere. "Lady Celeste, thank you." Elizabeth thanks the Goddess. "Now, Lady Celeste this is your final warning. Release the barrier so that I may take both Elizabeth and you back to the castle." Guila tells the Goddess. "Hold it." Veronica chimes in, standing in front of the barrier. "I appreciate your help. But I'll be the one taking Ellie and Mother back home." She tells Guila. "Your objectives... or more accurately, Hendrickson's, were only Meliodas and that sword, weren't they?" Veronica asks. Guila points her sword at the princess. "What are you doing?" Griamore asks, Celeste releases her barrier, pushing Veronica behind her, pointing her sword at Guila. 

"Now, I ask that you hand Princess Elizabeth over to us quietly. If you refuse..." "Luminous Nova Burst!" Celeste shouts, blasting both Guila and Jericho away with a ball of light and magic. "Holy Knights are supposed to protect the Princesses, not attack them." Celeste reprimands the two. "Thank you, mother." Veronica thanks the Goddess. "You're welcome." Celeste replies. Elizabeth decides that the best thing to do is run away. "Hey, Ellie! Ellie!" Veronica calls to her sister, chasing her. "Keep an eye on them." Celeste tells Griamore, motioning to the two knights, who began recovering from the attack, and she chases the princesses. "Princess Veronica!" Griamore yells, shocking Celeste, who picks up her pace, knowing that the princesses are in danger. Veronica let go of her sword, grabbing Elizabeth's shoulder, the ground then glowed, and Elizabeth looked down surprised. Veronica pushes Elizabeth out of the way, and Celeste, not being able to push the older princess out of the way in time, shields her with her body, taking the brunt of the explosion. "Princess Veronica!" Griamore yells, running to her.

 "Elizabeth! Celeste!" Hawk yells, running to them. The smoke cleared, and Celeste lay on top of Veronica passed out covered in cuts, bruises, and blood, her clothes were also ripped, Veronica also sustained some damage, but none was as serious as Celeste's. Elizabeth sat beside them stunned. "Lady Celeste. Veronica. Why?" Elizabeth questions. "This can't be happening." Elizabeth mumbles as Griamore and Hawk get to them. "Lady Celeste! Wake up!" Elizabeth shouts. Veronica sits up, while Elizabeth lays the goddess' head on her lap. "Please, open your eyes!" Elizabeth cries, her tears falling on her face. "Mother." Veronica mumbles, looking down at the Goddess, moving to her other side. "Elizabeth?" Celeste says with such a low voice it almost sounded like a whisper. "Yes! I'm here!" Elizabeth replies. "Are you okay? Is Veronica okay?" She asks. "I'm fine, you took most of the hit." Veronica replies, holding onto Celeste's hand. 

"I'm glad!" Celeste gives a weak smile. "Griamore, Hawk." Celeste slightly turns her head to look at the two. "Yes, Lady Celeste?" Griamore asks. "Keep them safe." She tells him. "I will." Griamore nods. "No, you keep them safe. Get up!" Hawk cries. "I can't feel my legs." Celeste mumbles, causing the pig to cry harder. "Veronica, I suggest that you...that you don't go back to Liones for a while." Celeste chokes out. "If you say so." Veronica replies, trying to hold in her tears. "Elizabeth." Celeste looks up at the princess. "Yes, Lady Celeste?" Elizabeth asks, still crying. "Keep our promise, please." Celeste tells her. "I will!" Elizabeth nods. "I'm so glad... I got to see you both grown up." Celeste places her hands on both their cheeks, which causes Veronica to start crying and Griamore to tear up. Celeste smiles with teary eyes.

 "Tell Meliodas I'm sorry." Celeste says, looking over to Hawk. "It appears that was the correct move for me to set a 360-degree ring around town of Killer Mines. While Hendrickson wanted Elizabeth, he wanted Celeste even more, so this should do." Guila says, approaching the group. "Like hell, I'd ever let you take me to him." Celeste seethes, glaring at the knights. "You won't be able to do anything with the way you are now." Jericho taunts. "You two are nothing but filthy swine!" Hawk shouts. "You filth--" Griamore is cut off by Guila's explosion, blasting both him and Hawk away. "Sure that was wise? He's the Grand Master's son--" Celeste raises a hand towards the two knights. "Solar Flare Burst." She says, and the two knights are blasted away again by bursts of solar energy. "Lady Celeste that was..." Elizabeth trails off when feeling the Goddess fall limp. "Lady Celeste?" Elizabeth questions, staring down at the Goddess. "Mother?" Veronica holds onto the Goddess' hand, crying even harder.

"Don't leave us, Lady Celeste! Please! Help us! Please, sir Meliodas!" Elizabeth cries, holding Celeste closer. "That bitch still had some fight in her." Jericho seethes walking back over to Elizabeth. Guila picks up Meliodas' sword and walks beside Jericho with the intent of getting both the princess and Celeste. "Meliodas!" Elizabeth cries, and the amber breaks, releasing a mass of dark energy. Once it cleared Meliodas stood in front of the princesses with darkness covering his right side and an expressionless look on his face. 


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