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Merlin had Vivian suspended in the air via magic. "Vivian, tell me where Princess Elizabeth is." Merlin demands. "She's in the king's room!" Vivian replies. "There you go." Merlin says, releasing her hold on Vivian, leaving her to fall. "Hey, she's running off! Shouldn't we--" "Forget her. For right now, we need to focus on rescuing Elizabeth." Meliodas cuts off Arthur. "Hold on a second." Celeste says, closing her eyes and holding her hands. "Lightweaver's Grace." She whispers, and they're all healed. "Wow, thanks, Lady Celeste." Arthur says once he's healed. "Yes, thanks, mother." Gilthunder thanks the Goddess. "You're welcome. Now let's get Elizabeth." Celeste says. "All right then." Merlin snapped her fingers, and the group was now outside the King's room. "Where are we?" Meliodas asks confused. "We're in front of my father's room." Margaret replies. "I tried teleporting us inside but got deflected. The handiwork of my disgraceful ex-disciple." Merlin explains.

 "All right. Take a few steps back!" Meliodas tells them, walking up to the door, rolling his shoulders. "Wait, hang on a second, Captain. Even with your powers, you couldn't breach this barrier. It's the Perfect Cube. A spell from the Demon world that can deflect any kind of power. Regardless of its magnitude." Merlin explains, Gilthunder summons lightning on his hand and tries to open the door but fails. Merlin walks up to the door and opens it effortlessly. "How'd you get rid of the spell like that?" Meliodas asks. "Using Absolute Cancel. I cut off my disciple and the spell cast over this room." Merlin shares. "I'd expect no less from you." Celeste pats Merlin's back, walking into the room. Meliodas looks at them before spotting Elizabeth. "Yo." He greets, walking into the room and standing beside Celeste. Elizabeth runs over to them pulling them both in a hug. "We've only been apart for less than a day. But I've missed you both so much, I could hardly stand it." Elizabeth expresses, hugging them tighter.

 "There, there." Meliodas tells her, patting her back. "We're here now." Celeste reassures her, stroking her hair. "You sure got old, Bartra!" Meliodas greets, once Elizabeth pulls away. "Nice to see you again, King Bartra." Celeste greets curtseying. "You both haven't changed a single bit, have you?" Bartra asks. "Guess not." Meliodas replies, groping Celeste's butt. "Enough!" Bartra shouts, seeing the girl's embarrassed face. The sound of footsteps causes the two to turn in its direction, seeing Dreyfus. "Dreyfus." Gilthunder says, pulling Margaret closer to him. "Hey, what's up? It's been a while since I've seen you too, Dreyfus." Meliodas greets and Celeste just stares into his soul, sensing something off about him. "What the hell is going on here?" Dreyfus asks, refusing to meet Celeste's gaze. "Hendrickson's been killed in battle. He died without ever repenting for the crime he committed." Gilthunder tells him.

 "His crime..." Dreyfus repeats. "I saw it happen. The dawn of the anniversary festival, ten years ago. You and Hendrickson conspired together and murdered Zaratras. Such an unspeakable sight." Margaret shares, shocking Dreyfus. "And then, consumed with overwhelming fear, I told Gil about it. Little did I know, Vivian was eavesdropping the whole time. She placed each of us under guard, we were forced to do her bidding." She adds. "Is that so? Though seeing as Vivian was head of heels for Gilthunder, I supposed it adds up." Merlin says. "But thanks to Meliodas, that curse has finally been lifted." Gilthunder says, looking at the blonde. Dreyfus takes in a deep breath, then falls to his knees, placing his sword in front of him. "I've lost everything. Just as they told you, I conspired with Hendrickson and murdered Grand Master Zaratras. At first, I only envied my brother. But somewhere along the way, it turned into hatred. I am so sorry." Dreyfus apologizes.

"But what's that got to do with what's going on around here right now?" Meliodas asks. "It's to start a Holy War." Dreyfus shares. "A what?" Arthur asks. "It's a phrase found in a Britannian poem from long ago. His Majesty predicted that such a war would take place sometime in the near future." Merlin replies. "It's also a battle that happened long ago." Celeste adds. "But His Majesty ordered us to put down our swords. I was planning to use the war to lay to rest the events that transpired ten years ago. By annihilating the Seven Deadly Sins as our mortal enemies, no one alive would know the truth behind the incident. However... Hendrickson had other plans. After committing that terrible crime, Hendrickson wasn't the same. But never did I suspect that he was mad enough to plot the Demon race's resurrection. How did it come to this? All I ever wanted... was to be a father that my son could be proud of." Dreyfus shares.

 "Griamore is alive." Elizabeth says, causing Dreyfus to look up at her, shocked. "Lady Celeste told both him and my sister to stay away from Liones until this is over." She adds, and Dreyfus starts crying. Bartra gets off his bed and stands between Celeste and Elizabeth. "Father..." Elizabeth and Margaret help him stand. "Dreyfus." Bartra calls. "Sire!" Dreyfus answers. "In light of the severe transgression, I'm relieving you of your post as Holy Knight Grand Master. You shall await your sentence in the dungeon." Bartra informs. "Yes, Sire!" Dreyfus agrees. Gilthunder goes over to him and handcuffs him. "I'' take him down there myself." Gilthunder says, Bartra nods and then coughs up blood scaring everyone. Elizabeth and Margaret help him sit down and Merlin and Celeste walk over. "I'll take a look." Merlin says, kneeling beside him, placing a hand over him. "He's weakened considerably. He needs to be treated right away." Merlin shares. 

"Lady Merlin, please do whatever you can for my father!" Elizabeth pleads. "Please save him, I beg of you!" Margaret adds. "You have my word that I'll do my best. But His Majesty won't be able to rest easily here." Merlin replies. "If it's all right with you, I'd like to treat him in Camelot." Merlin suggests, and the princesses look at each other. "There is no need for you to fear, my darlings. Elizabeth, do you remember the Vision I was telling you about earlier?" Bartra asks. "Vision?" Elizabeth repeats, confused, and then she looks over at Merlin. "A crimson boar." She says then gasps. "Margaret, we should leave Father's recovery to Lady Merlin, okay?" Elizabeth tells her sister. "If you truly believe that's best." Margaret agrees. "You know I could just use Lightweaver's Grace and heal his disease, right?" Celeste asks. "My method would work better." Merlin tells Celeste. "No, it won't." Celeste denies. "I'll take him." Merlin says firmly and Celeste purses her lips. "Sir Meliodas!" Arthur calls, grabbing the blonde's hand. 

"It was by a great twist of fate that you and I have been brought together! As the Grand Master of Camelot, I humbly ask for your assistance!" Arthur asks. "Sure thing." Meliodas agrees. "Y-You'll really help me? Then we need to leave right--" "If I ever feel like it. Since I've got to clean up this town and take care of the Boar Hat, too. It might just take a while." Meliodas cuts him off. "Oh, man..." Arthur says, deflated. "Classic fake out!" Merlin laughs, helping Bartra stand. "Merlin, you plan on coming back to the Seven Deadly Sins anytime soon?" Meliodas asks. "If I ever feel like it." Merlin replies. "He better not come back with an extra head." Celeste tells the mage, watching her glow. "I'll take care of him." Merlin reassures her, teleporting away.

"I guess she got me there." Meliodas scratches the back of his head. "You didn't ask her about ten years ago." Celeste reminds him. "Oh, crap! I forgot." Meliodas sighs. "Um, are you..." "Huh?" Meliodas and Celeste turn to look at the princess. "Sir Meliodas, Lady Celeste, you're not, I mean... are you really leav..." Elizabeth is cut off by a loud bang and the castle shaking. "What now?" Celeste sighs, grabbing the princess and jumping out just as the castle collapses. "Ellie, are you okay?" Celeste asks the princess, who hugged her close. "You two okay?" Meliodas asks from beside them. "Yes, 'm fine, thank you, what just happened?" Elizabeth asked as Celeste placed her back on her feet. "Are you three all right?" Margaret asks as Gilthunder walks over with her in his arms. "Someone's missing." Gilthunder points out. "Yeah. Dreyfus is gone." Meliodas agrees, looking at the handcuffs that was previously on Dreyfus. 

So I did some research and I found out that during the time the sins were exiled Gilthunder was 11 since he's 21 now, Margaret was 12 since she's 22 now and fucking Vivian was 19 since she's 29 now

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So I did some research and I found out that during the time the sins were exiled Gilthunder was 11 since he's 21 now, Margaret was 12 since she's 22 now and fucking Vivian was 19 since she's 29 now. Tell me why a 19 year old is fantasizing about an 11 year old like fuck Ban and Elaine this is way worse. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Also thank you for 10k reads.

Have a good day/night.

~K C

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