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"Out of bed, you lazy butt! Come and get your breakfast!" Hawk shouts from downstairs. The group had now left Dalmally and headed to the Necropolis. Elizabeth opened her eyes only to find Meliodas looking at her. "Well, good morning, Elizabeth. You feeling better today?" He greets her. "Um, yes, thank you for asking. I feel great. Good morning to you, too, and you, Lady Celeste." She greets, looking at the Goddess who sat on the edge of the bed, pulling up her stockings. "Good morning, Elizabeth." Celeste greets. "Let me help you out of that." Elizabeth says, looking down at Meliodas, who was tied up. "One thing. Try to be gentle." Meliodas advises. Celeste sighs, pulling on her boots and putting on her overskirt. "Is something wrong, Lady Celeste?" Elizabeth asks, untying Meliodas. "Hm, no. Just thinking about someone." Celeste replies. "I put some clothes on the dresser for you. Come down when you're ready." She tells the princess, leaving the room.


When Elizabeth finished getting dressed, she joined Celeste, Hawk, and Meliodas downstairs, enjoying the breakfast the Goddess made. "Um, Hawk?" Elizabeth calls out to the pig. "Hm?" Hawk hums, looking up from his scraps. "The next time you tie up Sir Meliodas, maybe it could be just a little bit looser. If he feels uncomfortable, then sleep's not easy for him." Elizabeth suggests. "It defeats the whole purpose if he's able to move!" Hawk reminds her. "Lying there in the same bed with you and Celeste, he's gonna have more hands than a teenage octopus. Precautions must be taken." Hawk explains. "But I-" "If you just look at it as part of foreplay, it's actually not that bad at all." Meliodas tells her. "What did you say?" Elizabeth asks. "Who knows, maybe tonight Celeste could tie me up instead of Hawk." Meliodas suggests, wiggling his eyebrows at the Goddess. An irk mark appears on the woman's forehead, and she punches Meliodas, knocking him into a wall. "You're bunking with Ban, so there's no need to tie you up." Celeste informs, causing Meiodas to pout. "Hey, did I hear somebody say you're gonna tie up Hawk?" Diane asks, peeking through the window. 

"No one's roping my roast!" Hawk yells, turning to look at Ban, who enters the room. "I could use a drink, Captain." Ban says, sitting on a stool. "A little early, don't you think?" Diane asks. "Would you like to have some breakfast with us?" Elizabeth asks. "Before you start insulting, I made it." Celeste warns him. "No thanks, I'm not hungry." Ban tells them, opening the bottle of Vanya Ale Meliodas threw at him only to have it sprayed in his face.

"All right, guys, time to head to the Necropolis. We'll start looking for King there." Meliodas shares, pointing to the map set on the table. "Hold on, didn't you say fatty was six feet under these days?" Ban asks. "It's the only lead we've got, so I think we might as well check it out." Meliodas informs. "The city of the dead sounds scary. What kind of place is it?" Elizabeth asks. "I have no idea. Honestly, the only thing I know about it is that it exists." Meliodas explains. "Look guys, if you ask me, it's probably haunted with a spooky name like that." Hawk chimes in. "Bet it's gloomy and dark all the time with rows of creepy graves everywhere." He explains, scaring Elizabeth. "There won't be any bugs, right?" Diane asks scared. "What if we get there and start looking? What'll happen if we do find King? Do you really think he's still gonna be alive?" Hawk asks. "Hawk, please don't say anything else!" Elizabeth tells the pig, covering her ears. "Some ghosts, huh?" Meliodas asks, turning to look at Ban, who is fast asleep.


"We're here!" Meliodas announces as he, Celeste, Hawk, and Elizabeth walk past a sleeping Ban onto Hawk's mom's snout. "So this is the Necropolis? It's not what we expected." Diane says, looking at the run-down village. "How did a run-down little village end up with a name like that anyway?" Hawk asks. "It's the Necropolis, it's the place that's closest to it." Celeste explains, grabbing hold of Hawk and Elizabeth and jumping off Mama Hawk's back so she can bury herself. "Let's see if we get some intel on King and find out where to go from here. And we're all going to make a little food money on the way so, let's get the tavern up and running." Meliodas suggests. "What do you know, guess the captain really does sell the drinks." Ban comments. "When he's working, he's so cute. O-M-G!" Diane fawns over the blonde. "And I'm gonna put all you guys to work, too." He says, pointing at everyone. "Bring in some customers, jumbo billboard girl." He says, pointing at Diane. 

"Are you sure?" Diane asks with sparkles in her eyes. "You start grilling up some tasty grub, jailbird cook." He says, turning to Ban. "Oh, who me?" Ban questions. "Are you sure you want this guy handling our food?" Hawk asks. "Believe it or not, Ban's a way better cook than I am." Celeste shares. "Yeah, well I don't know about that." Ban says. "All right! Let's get to work, put your backs into it you guys." Meliodas shouts, clapping. "Please, Sir Meliodas. I want a job." Elizabeth says from behind the blonde. "You can serve like you always do, just don't push yourself." Celeste instructs. "You got it!" Elizabeth nods. "Oh captain, you made me the billboard girl! I'm so glad you chose me! And don't worry, I won't let you down. I promise I won't!" Diane cheers, rubbing Meliodas against her cheek. "Diane, you're gonna be great!" Meliodas tells her. "Oh yeah, Ban! The pantry's out in the back!" Meliodas says, looking down at the tall man only to find him missing. "Man, what jerk!" Hawk rants. "He just took off?" Meliodas asks. "He has some personal things to deal with." Celeste shrugs.


"We've got amazing drinks! And there's a super cute billboard girl who'll welcome you in! Step up to the Hut Boart Tavern!" Diane shouts. "That's Boar Hat, but whatever." Hawk corrects her. "We've got plenty of free goodies just for coming inside!" Diane shouts, ignoring the pig. "No, we don't." Celeste corrects. "So, Sir Meliodas, um. How would you describe King? What kind of person is he?" Elizabeth asks, wiping down the counter. "Hm? Let's see, I'd say he's kinda like the Seven Deadly Sins mascot. Our pet, I guess." Meliodas explains. 

"Hey, you know perfectly well there's no pets allowed in here! Having an animal in a dining establishment is disgusting!" Hawk huffs and Elizabeth and Meliodas just stare at him. "Ever heard the word 'irony?'" Meliodas asks. "Oh, about King. There was a time when Ban was totally into collecting plushies." Meliodas shares. "Seriously?" Elizabeth asks. "That's just adorable." Hawk adds. "King sobbed and sobbed all night long. Then the next morning, when Ban was passed out and snoring away," Meliodas starts looking at Celeste who entered the tavern. "King returned all the plushies." Celeste finishes shrugging. "Sir King sounds like he might be a little strange, but he seems like a man with a really warm heart. I admire that." Elizabeth points out.

 "But it also means Ban's an even bigger jerk than I thought he was." Hawk notes. "That's Ban for you." Celeste tells him. "I bet they fought all the time." Hawk adds. "What would make you say that? King and Ban were practically joined at the hip." Meliodas shares. "That was just King wanting to make sure Ban didn't cause trouble." Celeste explains. "But when all is said and done, they did make an excellent team." Meliodas concludes. "We haven't got any customers. I couldn't get a single person to show up." Diane says disappointed. 


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