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Hendrickson flips himself back on his feet and tries to attack Meliodas, but his arm contorts in an unnatural way, thanks to Ban. Meliodas uppercuts Hendrickson, knocking him into the air, and Diane hits him with her hammer, throwing him into the mountainside. He grows wings and flies at the sins, but King's Chastiefol stabs him in the back, knocking him to the ground. "Incredible." A knight says. "They're even more powerful than the legend said." Another adds as they marvel at the power of the Seven Deadly Sins. "Sir Meliodas?" Elizabeth calls. "It's okay. 'Cause thanks to Celeste, my stamina's back up to where it was before we started. So take care of Celeste while we deal with this." Meliodas tells her. "I don't need taking care of." Celeste protests. "Okay then, just take it easy." Meliodas advises. "I know." Celeste replies. Hendrickson recovers from the attack as if nothing ever happened, leaving the sins amazed. "No way! It doesn't even seem like we hurt him at all!" Diane points out. 

"Damn! I ripped that arm off, but it looks like it didn't take. This guy's turning out to be a bigger pain in the ass than I thought." Ban says. "But we're not finished yet!" Meliodas tells them. "Huh?" Ban looks at him, confused. "Gowther spread the word. We're gonna do the attack we talked about!" Meliodas instructs the pink-haired sin. "Captain, Gowther's not, um..." King trails off, looking down at his fallen comrade, trying his best not to cry. Gowther gets up with his head in his arm, scaring the two sins who hold hands. "Now, where are my glasses?" He asks, looking around. "He's still alive!" King shouts in shock. Gowther finds his glasses and reattaches his head to his neck before posing. "There. Roger that, Captain." He says with a pose. "What are you anyway?" King asks. "Tap. Broadcast!" Gowther taps his head, and then a bright light forms on his fingers and shoots at everyone. "What's this?" Gilthunder asks. "It's like Gowther just beamed his instructions directly into my head." King says. "Are you kidding?" Howzer asks. "Is this seriously our plan?" Ban questions. "Captain, are you sure about this?" Diane asks.

 "I could just take him down with Luminous Nova Burst or something." Celeste suggests. "All right, everyone. Time to get started!" Meliodas announces, ignoring everything that was said to him, disabling his powers. "You disabled your powers. What do you think you're doing?" Hendrickson inquires. Meliodas doesn't reply and lunges at Hendrickson who dodges his attack and tries to punch him, but Meliodas blocks it. The blonde flips over and slams Hendrickson into the ground before jumping down to get him, kneeing him in the stomach. "Hey King, what should we do?" Diane asks. "I say we go along with the plan. It's the only way to save Liones." Celeste chimes in, flying up beside King. "You sure?" King asks. "As much as I don't want to, but we have to." Celeste replies. "I'll just heal him when this is all over." She suggests. "Okay." King nods. "Lightning King Iron Hammer!" Gilthunder summons a huge lightning bolt and strikes Meliodas and Hendrickson with it. "That move put his allies at risk." Hendrickson points out and leaps away from Meliodas.

 "He must've been focused on a quick attack and not his aim." Hendrickson claims flying higher in the air. "Gravity times ten!" A fat knight uses his gravity powers to force Hendrickson back on the ground. "How dare you spit on my sense of justice! You fiend!" He shouts, shaking his maracas, and adding more gravity. Hendrickson raises his hand in the knight's direction, but Howzer comes in and surrounds him with Rising Tornado. "I think my magical power is starting to fade." The fat knight says, slowing down his movements. "That's fine. Here, Celestial Beacon!" Celeste raises her hand in the air, and a giant ball of light and magic appears, granting everyone even more strength and magic. "Now we're talking!" The knight says, and his movements speed up again. Hendrickson breaks the tornado, and Hendrickon charges at a random knight, but Meliodas grabs him in a headlock. "Your fight's with me, punk!" He reminds Hendrickson, and Guila shoots multiple fireballs at them. 

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