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"Look at that monster's corpse." King says. "So red and flabby. It gives me the creeps!" Diane says. "Impossible. Is that what I think it is?" King asks. "Yeah. A Demon." Meliodas answers. "So they really existed, then?" King asks. "The magical power emanating from that corpse matches what I sensed from Dale and the New Generation. It appears to be the root of this evil." Gowther explains. "Twenty years ago, when these remains were first discovered deep in the Fairy King's Forest, this journey began. All that I have accomplished has been made possible by this Red Demon. Both the Old Generation and New. The experiments that gave us those compatible with Demon blood. The partial deciphering of the Dark Magic system. And now this..." Hendrickson sends tendrils of darkness at them. Meliodas and Diane, block them, King, Gowther, and Celeste dodges it, and Ban lets it hit him. "At last! I myself wield the power of the Red Demon!" Hendrickson says. "Ban!" Diane calls, seeing her teammate injured. Celeste raises her hand towards Hendrickson.

 "If the Red Demon's power is your only ace in the hole," "Solar Flare Burst." Celeste sends a powerful wave of solar energy at Hendrickson, purifying the darkness and leaving sparkles behind. "Your best bet is to fold and walk away from the table." Ben says, now in front of Hendrickson, punching him in the head. "'Cause Celeste and I are the ones who killed that fat freak!" Ban shouts the ground below them collapses, and Hendrickson falls into it. Ban turns away from the hole and walks over to get his nunchucks. "Ban. Mother." King mumbles. "Lightweaver's Grace." Celeste heals all of them, using up the last of her magic. Ban slices the upper half of the Demon using his magic. "Ban, did you and Mother really kill that thing 20 years ago?" King asks. "Who killed what and when isn't important." Ban replies. "You've been busy when you were away." Meliodas tells Celeste, who nods.

"I'm of no use now." She mumbles. "How come?" Meliodas asks. "I've used all my magic so now I have to wait." She replies, walking over to the hole. "Take a look at the size of this hole." Meliodas says as he, Celeste, Diane and Gowther peer down at it. "I detect a slight breeze. Which must mean that there's a cave further down." Gowther states. "Let's go!" Meliodas tells them. "But, I don't think I can fit down there!" Diane points out. "No problem. You can stay up here and keep a lookout." Meliodas says. "Okay, but try to be careful!" Diane tells them. "See you." Meliodas grabs Celeste's hand and jumps into the hole with Ban, King, and Gowther following. "Good news, bad news." Meliodas states, when they land in the pitch-black cave. "We made it down okay, but it's pitch dark." He says. "You can't seem to flick that booger, can you, Ban?" Gowther asks. "Great, I guess one of us can see." Ban speaks. 

"Chastiefol, seventh configuration, Luminosity." King's Chastiefol turns into a glowing green orb, lighting up the cave. Ban flicks his booger in Meliodas' direction so he grabs Celeste and pulls her down with him to dodge it. "That thing of yours sure comes in handy, huh?" He asks. "A trail of blood." Gowther says and they follow it. "Who knew there was such a huge cave down here?" King asks. "I'm certain that the space itself has been here for thousands of years. But there's no indication anyone's entered in quite some time." Gowther explains. "I guess whatever must have been down here is long gone." Meliodas claims. "What is this place?" He asks. "I feel like I know this place." Celeste mumbles. "Captain!" King calls, seeing Hendrickson in front of them. "My gratitude, Fox Sin Ban, Goddess Celeste, for making this possible. If not for you, I would never have been able to acquire the power of the Red Demon." Hendrickson tells them. "Always happy to help." Ben replies and Celeste stays silent.

 "It's been a trying process. Seeking bodies capable of withstanding it. For unlike the blood of the Red Demon, this one's blood will bring instant death to any soul unlucky enough to receive it." Hendrickson claims. "This one?" Meliodas asks. "What are you talking about?" Celeste also asks. "Look, Captain! There's something behind him!" King sends his glowing orb forward to light up what was behind Hendrickson. "I have a theory of sorts. The body that is compatible with the magical power of its kinsman, the Red Demon, is the one that can tolerate the reaction to its blood." Hendrickson shares, behind him was a Gray Demon. "This is..." Meliodas trails off. "The Gray Demon, whose remains were discovered here several years ago. Isn't it amazing?" Hendrickson asks. "You just keep disrespecting me over and over again." Celeste mumbles. "There's so much we don't know about the Demons that came here before us." Hendrickson says. "Well I do, and trust me that is not a good idea!" Celeste tells Hendrickson who takes some blood from the Demon. 

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