Chapter 45

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I dedicate this chapter to bollywood_dreams for her wonderful effort in making the book cover. The cover is lovely and I thank you for that, you have done a great job keep the good work going.


Arjun p.o.v. :

Archi was being taken to the operation theatre for her surgery, we all followed her. I was holding her hand tightly each step she proceeded I felt my heart beating faster. One last time she glanced back at me and gave a nod releasing her from my hold. She was taken inside the room, I sat in the chair placed outside the OT, I could still feel the warmth of her hand in mine.

I felt a presence next to me I raised my gaze and met a pair of brown orbs filled with tear. Even tough I hate her, but those tears effect me a lot, she placed her hand on my shoulder and pressed a bit but this time I didn't moved apart or threw her hand away. To my surprise it felt good for me, felt like a comfort to my heart, the burden in my heart seemed to reduce.

When was about to tear my gaze from her, she stopped me and handed me an envelope, this was the same one which she was holding when she came out of Archi's room. I felt hesitant to take it but she gave a nod to go a ahead.

I took the envelope from her hands and found a neatly folded sheet of paper inside it. I took it in my hands placing the envelope down, and unfolded to read it.

My dear hubby,

A small smile crept over my lips looking at the words written.
I know you might be smiling by now, so keep that smile plastered on your lips till the end, this is my order.
By the time you read this letter I will be far from you away from your eyes. I feared a lot to encounter this day but it came up finally. Now I won't crib like a typical wife as I already knew that I had less time, and this day would come. I don't know what fate will bring for us in the future, whatever it is I want you to accept that with happiness.

Happiness this word reminds me of our days together, the moments we spent with each other. Believe me those were the happiest days of my life, I have realized that I blush and smile more when I'm with you. I know this might sound like a cliche but it's the truth you have to know.

I could sense myself grinning from ear to ear reading those words.

I know now that smile on your face would have grown to a grin. Don't think too much how I know all these, it's not of your thinking capacity, well that was lame joke.

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