Chapter 46

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I dedicate this chapter to my dear friend choco_lover_U and to her book "Married to a stranger".


Arjun p.o.v. :

The wheels screeched and came to a stop in front of the most sacred place, which could definitely make me serene at the moment. I got down from the SUV and stood in front of the entrance of the church relishing the memories of our wedding day. This is the place where we were declared as husband and wife, I took steady steps through the aisle and the memories of Archi walking down the aisle in her white gown on our wedding day flashed in front of me, and I could see myself standing near the altar mesmerized by her beauty.

A small smile crept through my lips remembering those days. I took a seat in the bench and looked straight into statue of Jesus Christ shinning in the light of candles burning in the altar. The place was full of silence which washed me with the wave of peace which I wanted right now.

I closed my eyes and started talking to him, the Almighty, " You very well know that, I have never before bowed down in front of anyone not even in front of you nor I have asked for any help from you. I don't even know how to seek help from you, I don't know how to please you for making you help me. Whether to beg in front of you or ask steal my happiness from you.

People believe you can see everyone and you give them what they yarn, if that is true then you will definitely know what I'm going through now, and what I want now. I have already lost the love of my mother all these years and I can't lose the love of my life.

It may be easy for her to say move on but if you can feel my pain you would know how much it hurts to be away from her. I'm not asking for a life where I have to stay away from her and live in her memory or she has to stay away from me. I want a life together with her forever whether it is happy or sorrow, whether it is on this earth or somewhere in the paradise or at least in hell.

Please bring her back to me and stop this torture on her. Let us live a peaceful life with our children, then grandchildren and so on.

Take this as my request or warning I want her back in my life, I can't stay without her, if she is not in my life then I too don't want this life, I will end up getting in the same coffin buried with her, if you know everything you will know that I'm capable of doing this ".

I stood up from the place, and lighted a candle of hope and marched myself without glancing back.

As soon as I came out of the place my phone started ringing, I slid the screen immediately to answer after looking at the caller's name, " Bro, where are you?", Rehaan yelled from the other side of the call. "Come here as soon as possible", with letting me continue he declined the call.

A fear rose in me and I could feel the adreline running down through my spine. I glanced back the church entrance and quickly rushed to the hospital in my SUV.

As soon I entered the corridor I was welcomed by the tear filled gazes which inquired about my whereabouts. Rehaan was the first one to approach me, "Bhai, where were you?". " I was trying to call you from long ...", before he could complete I interrupted yelling, "Rehaan will you let me know what is it?".

"Bhai it's...", "Rehaan will you spill it now or else you want me to see blood running out of your nose", I intimated him holding his shirt's collar. "Bhai, actually bhabi's surgery is done", he said those words and let out a sigh. "What ?, you are saying this now", I released his collar in an instant and turned to walk back, but before I could proceed Rehaan interrupted me saying, "Bhai, but she is still not out of danger and we are not allowed to meet her", those words stabbed my heart like a sword.

I left the place and barged into the cabin of the doctor who performed Archi's surgery without seeking his permission."Why is Archi still not out of danger? ", I yelled as soon as my eyes found his face. He shivered a bit by my behavior but soon resumed his composure and calmly gestured me to sit and he continued saying, "Mr.Rana, I understand your situation, your wife has undergone a surgery for brain tumour, though the surgery is successful. I can't assure you her survival until the next 24 hours, she is still struggling. Her situation is very delicate, if you are fortunate enough she may regain her consciousness soon, so nothing is in my hands now. We have to wait for a miracle to happen".

"How can you say this?" , I clenched my fist with anger even though I know his words are true but I can't feed myself with this answers. "Look I can pay you the amount you demand for, just do something and bring her conscious back", I yelled banging the desk with the clenched fist.

The doctor let out a sigh and said, "Mr.Rana, if you think by yelling and by banging the desk, your wife will get well, then you are free and bang on the desk of this hospital", I released a deep breath after listening to his words and closed my eyes to calm myself. He continued saying," And one more thing, I'm not behind your money, I have done my job let's wait patiently for the result".

Patience, sorry there is no patience within me. Nobody has any idea about the inner turmoil within me, at any cost I have to see her may be that face could make me calm for now.

I let out a sigh and pleaded him," Can you do me a favour?", he stared at me with confusion. "What kind of favour?"." I want to meet Archi now", I pleaded. "That is not possible Mr.Rana, I can't allow you she is in a delicate situation, I can't take a risk".

"Doctor please just two minutes, not more than that, if I'm not out within two minutes then you yourself throw me out, I won't stop you, but please grant me two minutes, please", I pleaded with all my might. He thought for a few seconds and nodded saying, "Two minutes, just two minutes not more then that". I nodded and immediately came out of his cabin without any further discussions.

I walked into her room with steady steps, she was laying on the bed and there were many systems connected to her to support her survival. She was breathing calmly with the help of an endotracheal tube inserted through her nose. I touched her finger with trembling hands there was no movement in them, the only sign for her being alive was her breathing and the monitor.

I gently held her fingers and took a seat beside her,I asked caressing her hair, " Baby, do you think I will be happy without you?, if you think so then it's fine. I thought I'll ask mom and dad to hunt a girl for me, who can replace you".

With those words I stood up to leave, as I was about to leave her grip on my hands seemed stronger which made me to stop. I noticed that she held my hands tighter than I did. I took a look at her face, she was struggling to open her eyes and I felt a lone tear roll down through my cheeks. And finally she held her eyes wide open.

I stood there rooted, I'm the happiest man in the world would be an understatement definitely. She said something which was not audible to me, I stood there confused. She gestured me come near, and I went near her to hear her. "You... wan... to replace... me", she spoke those words stammering. My eyes went wide in shock and I stared at her as if she has grown two heads.

She met my gaze expecting an answer and I smirked saying," It was all your plan remember, getting me married". "Yes, I ... remember, but that was... if.. I don't survive, not when... I'm still alive", she replied.

"Anyways... go find. ... a girl, you... might be... bored with me", she replied and turned her face away from me. "Archi, I'm",before I could complete my sentence her breathings got uneven, she found difficult to breath. I yelled her name but she couldn't respond, soon I called for the doctors and they rushed in and started to treat her.

I was sent out of the room, I stood there praying and mumbling my apologies to her. "I'm sorry Archi"....


I would like to thank my friend Preeetty_me for the wonderful cover made by her.

Also checkout my new story
" Recurring Past "

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