Chapter 2

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POV: Steve Rogers 

          "You want us to do what now?" He demanded. Steve had done a lot of things he wasn't comfortable with doing in the name of public safety, including ordering a portal closed while his friend was on the wrong side of it. But kidnapping a kid? That was a step to far, even for Fury to ask. All the present Avengers looked shocked and uncomfortable.

          "With all due respect Director, I agree with Cap. We can't get away with taking a minor off the streets like that." Bruce agreed, shaking his head. Fury leaned back in his chair, seemingly relaxed.

          "Besides, he was cleared of all suspicion in every case. We don't have grounds." Barton pointed out.

         "It's suspicious. Look all I want you to do is bring the kid in for a couple of questions. Just dazzle him with your Earth's Mightiest Heroes routine and bring him in. There is something about this kid that's off. I want to know what. I don't care if you lead him in with a trail of breadcrumbs or bloody and bruised. Just get it done." With that the formidable director of the most powerful intelligence agency in the world left the room. The Avengers all traded looks while toying with the surprisingly sparse file.

         "Fine. We'll go tomorrow. We can try his house first." Steve said quietly. The other Avengers nodded uneasily. He didn't blame them. The idea of taking a kid wasn't sitting well with any of them. 

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