Chapter 40

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POV: Percy

    He had no way to explain the scarring on his body. Fighting his way through Tartarus had left him with more scars than most demigods. He couldn't even wear short sleeves outside Camp without getting strange looks and sympathetic glances. He knew that if any of the Avengers aside from Thor saw them it would lead to uncomfortable questions. And he wasn't ready to face those yet. And he didn't want to lie anymore than he had too. Being ADHD isn't conducive to remembering complicated cover stories. He walked into his room and turned on the shower. When the room steamed enough he tossed a golden drachma into the fine mist.

    "O Fleecy, do me a solid. Show me Sally Jackson." The mist rippled and exposed his mother in the kitchen.

    "Hi honey. Did you make a decision?" She asked gently. Percy smiled tiredly at her.

    "Yeah. But the good news is that I'm probably going to be staying in the city for the time being." Sally smiled wider, her eyes sparkling. Percy felt a sharp stab of guilt. He knew his mom worried about him, and he was glad that for once he could make her happy like that.

    "That's great news sweetie. Make sure you visit as soon as you can. Don't forget to call your cousins and stay safe honey. I love you." Percy smiled at his mom.

    "I'm always careful mom. Love you too." He waved his hand through the mist, cutting the connection. Percy shut off the water and stepped back out into his bedroom. The Avengers were there. Waiting to ambush him.

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