Chapter 41

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POV: Bruce

         Bruce felt bad for restraining the kid, but the physical was important. And no matter what Percy had claimed, without his complete medical records he was going to perform one himself. Steve and Tony held him down as best they could but the kid was strong. Like escaping from the super soldier's grip strong. But after twenty minutes he'd gotten through most of what he needed to do.

        "Are we done?" Percy asked hopefully. Bruce shook his head.

         "Almost, just a few more things. I just want to ask a quick clarifying question before I check your heartbeat." Percy nodded.


         "Earlier you said you've broken a few bones, could you elaborate?" Percy looked thoughtful before tracing his hands up around his body, naming each fracture. After he listed six Bruce held up his hand, stopping the flow of words.

          "How about a number?" Bruce asked softly. Percy started to count on his hands while muttering under his breath. He ran out of fingers before realizing he had an audience. Then he shrugged to himself.

          "A lot." He shrugged again. Bruce recognized a losing battle when he saw one. He nodded, accepting the subpar, and concerning, answer. He removed the stethoscope from around his neck.

         "For this last part I'm just going to slide the stethoscope up your back to listen to your heartbeat. It only takes a second." Bruce narrated everything he was going to do before he did it, trying desperately to help Percy be less anxious. He cautiously lifted the edge of his shirt when Percy suddenly threw himself backwards and away from Bruce's hands. But Bruce had seen enough.

         "Hold him down. I need to see under his shirt." Bruce ordered. Percy's eyes widened in panic.

          "Get off!" He growled, thrashing around. Both Tony and Steve threw their body weight against his arms. Banner got a sick feeling in his stomach when he made his next order.

           "Nat, Barton. Restrain him." The two assassins quickly cuffed the kids arms. Percy suddenly went limp, recognizing he'd lost.

            Bruce slid the kid's shirt up his torso, revealing extensive scarring, much of it incredibly recent. Like days old type recent. The Avengers paled as one.

            'Who the hell did this to him?'  Bruce wondered. Steve's hands clenched into tight fists as Natasha went unnaturally still. Barton looked like he was going to puke. Tony was shaking. Bruce was too. He traced a hand down one of the larger ones, a large slash that went from just under his left armpit to the the very top of the opposing hip.

           "Who did this?" Captain America snarled, a murderous look crossing his face. Percy tightened his lips. Staying silent. Tony came forward, his own angry expression matching the other Avengers.

            "Kid, who is responsible for this?" Percy shook his head.

             "No one you can punish anymore." His voice held a flat finality to it.

              "I think that's all I need for now." Bruce said quietly. He knew the kid wasn't going to give them anything else. And Bruce had no intention of pushing him, not with the physical clues to what was likely an incredibly traumatic past. The other Avengers took their cues from him and followed him out of the door. 

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