Chapter 66

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POV: Steve

         The kid reminded him a bit of himself when he first left the SHIELD facility after being defrosted. Lost, alone, shattered. The kid had been through a lot, more war than even Steve; the only Avenger who had fought in an actual war. Everyone else had their share of demons; had fought a lot of battles. But war was a different beast all together. One that Steve not only knew, but saw,  that Percy Jackson was intimately acquainted with. He felt a flush of shame.

         The Avengers had done this. They tore this kid away from his friends, from his life, only to throw him headfirst back into painful memories as they ask him to lead them back into battle. All on his eighteenth birthday. Jesus, the Baby Avenger was barely an adult, and he came to visit fallen comrades. They had all watched him brush his hands over other headstones, pausing to say something at over a dozen different headstones before stopping at his final destination. It was heartbreaking.

          He looked over and knew Clint felt the same way. They'd become Avengers to protect the world. And it turns out that they were woefully under qualified to do so from some of it's most dangerous threats. Instead that burden had fallen on children. Children. He shook his head before quietly walking out of the cemetery to wait by the car. He wasn't going to intrude on the kid's privacy any longer.

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