Chapter 48

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POV: Percy

        He slid into the kitchen first, but Thalia hauled him back by the hood of his sweatshirt and Nico kicked his legs out from under him. Percy tripped them both from the ground and reached up to find the plate whisked away by none other than the red headed Avenger.

        'Her name is Natasha.' Percy reminded himself. He'd only learned it when she had introduced herself to his mother. She held the cookies away from the three murderous glares of the teenagers. He was impressed at how well she withstood the dangerous looks she got from him and his cousins.

       "I want names for cookies." She ordered, but Percy still caught the nearly imperceptible twitch by her eyes. She was afraid of the looks in the demigod's eyes. Smart.

      "Thalia. Cousin. I leave town in ten minutes, so give me a dam cookie." Thalia snapped succinctly. Natasha tossed her a few that Percy tried to swipe. The hunter was faster.

       "I expect regular check ins Kelp Head." Thalia warned dangerously before hugging him tightly. She stuffed a cookie into her mouth, smacked both boys upside the head and ran out the door before either could retaliate. Percy heard the front door slam. Nico turned towards Natasha.

        "Nico Di' Angelo. Another cousin. I convinced Percy in the cemetery.' Nico turned to Percy, 'Also Thalia's dad says that you're in dangerously high territory. Be careful Perce." Nico gave a slightly maniacal smile that was entirely for Natasha's benefit. He snagged a few cookies before following Thalia's path out of the apartment. Percy crossed his arms at his new housemate.

        "Percy. I live three doors down from you in Avenger tower. I want my cookies." Natasha smiled and tossed him the cookies. He caught them and started to trudge towards the door, a single duffle bag swung over his shoulder.

      "Is that it?" Natasha asked.

       "All I need." Percy muttered back. He hugged his mom and gave Zoe a kiss.

       "Tell Paul I said hi." Sally sighed as she looked at her son.

        "Don't do anything Annabeth wouldn't want you to do." His mother warned. He tensed at her name. It was the first time anyone had said anything about her to his face since he went to San Francisco to tell Dr. Chase about her.... Percy gritted his teeth against the tears threatening to fall. He nodded shortly and walked out the door. 

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