Chapter 51

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POV: Tony

        Baby Avenger didn't have a phone. He didn't know their names. He doesn't play video games. Honestly, Percy seemed to be more technophobic than Steve, and he was from the 40's. The kid wasn't anything like what teenagers were supposed to be like; except for the sullen you don't understand me routine.

        When the Avengers had assembled, everyone sprawled in various places around the room. Tony smirked a little before clearing his throat.

        "Alright kid, welcome to the Avengers. Earth's Mightiest Heroes and all." He straightened his collar a little, brushed away some invisible lint before announcing dramatically.

        "Tony Stark. Billionaire, genius, Ironman." He crossed his arms waiting for any of the recognition, any of the shock or awe he'd gotten accustomed to. Something. Anything. The kid didn't even twitch. He just nodded before switching his gaze to Steve, who was sitting just a little over from him.

        "Steve Rogers. Captain America." Percy smirked a little. Tony was offended. That was more of a reaction than he had gotten.

        "That explains the outfit." Tony snorted. Maybe the kid was onto something. Banner was up next.

        "Dr. Banner, uh, Bruce Banner. The other guy is the Hulk." He said in his usual soft voice. Percy just looked at Barton. Tony was surprised. According to the kid's records he'd lived in New York all his life, but he hadn't seemed at all afraid of the Hulk.

       "Clint Barton, Hawkeye."

       "Natasha Romanoff, Black Widow." Some strange expression crossed his face here. Tony couldn't be sure what it was; the look had gone just as quickly as it had appeared. Percy didn't even look at Thor.

       "I know Thor." He waved his hand dismissively. Tony had almost forgotten that. He was about to ask how they knew each other when a bloody and beaten teenager staggered into the room.

       "Percy." The kid gasped as he collapsed. Percy leapt forward catching the pale kid.

       "Nico, tell me what happened." The kid's voice was one of authority, the way Steve's got on missions.

        "Camp under attack. Anna... Annabeth, she... she's alive." The kid passed out. Percy stood there whiter than a sheet. Who is Annabeth?

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