Chapter 18

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POV: Fury

         He wanted the kid. No matter what was going on with his summers and the explosions or anything else. The kid would be a valuable asset. They needed someone young to train in case they ever need to replace an Avenger, young enough to be impressionable but someone old enough that they weren't going to be completely idiotic. Or anymore so than the current Avengers were bound behave anyways. Perseus Jackson fit the bill perfectly.

          He'd evaded SHIELD agents for weeks, kept them off his tail for years and managed to escape the Avengers once and noticed enough of them to almost escape a second time. Fury leaned back, relaxed.

         "Who are you?" The kid asked, but he seemed bored, as though the question was a courtesy he was extending. Fury raised his eyebrow.

          "Director Fury."

          "Why am I here Director Fury? Fourth of July here said that he didn't want to bring me in but the boss man was making him. I'm assuming you're in charge of this joint?" The kid has a mouth, and some serious balls; Fury would give him that.

           "I'd like you to join the Avengers; as a trainee." 

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