Chapter 37

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POV: Thor

        Thor strode into the room and plopped Mjolnir down on the table.

        "Try to lift it." Was his only order. Percy shrugged. When he had helped Annabeth's cousin, Magnus Chase, Percy had borrowed the mythic hammer to get Magnus out of a sticky situation Thor had accidentally gotten himself into. Ever since then young demigod had an ally in the Norse Lord of Thunder. Percy grabbed the handle with one hand and picked it up. Swinging it lazily he asked,

         "Anything else?" Thor smiled at Percy and took his hammer back, exiting the room without another word. He crossed his arms and looked at his fellow Avenger's awestruck faces.

          "I told you Perseus Jackson is not someone I'd cross."

I haven't actually read Magnus Chase; but I do know that Percy got involved and he saved Magnus at least once. So I made this up b/c it makes my story work. You don't like it; suck it.

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