Chapter 19

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POV: Clint

        Every jaw around the table dropped. Trainee? Was Fury serious? None of them wanted to babysit some pyro bomb happy kid with a terrible attitude while trying to protect the world. The only person not shocked into silence was the kid and Fury.

         "Why?" The kid asked calmly.

         "For one thing, you're the only one with a working voice box in this room," Fury said dryly, but the kid shook his head almost immediately.

         "No, not why you want me. Why should I bother?" The kid asked. Now even Fury was shocked into silence. The kid waited a beat, as if expecting a response. The room was silent.

          "I'm going to go with no." As soon as Percy turned around to walk away the whole room came back to life. It started with Tony bellowing WHAT and Steve snagging the kid's arm again. Fury was shouting over Banner and Natasha about how it wasn't babysitting while Clint just worked his jaw tightly. Barton had children, and while none of them were quite Percy's age yet, he knew he had agreed to be in the Avengers to prevent children from having to fight. Suddenly there was a loud crash as Steve's body slammed into the table. Everyone went quiet.

         "Stop." Fury ordered, his voice dangerously angry. The kid wisely stopped in the doorway.

          "I don't want to be a trainee or an Avenger or whatever. Go pick some other poor sap with a real rap sheet. I have places to be." He flicked his hand over his shoulder as he walked away. 

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