Chapter 64

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POV: Clint

He liked the newest addition to Percy's family. Natasha had mentioned meeting a few cousins, but this girl was something else. She was like Natasha, but liked archery instead of guns and had emotions everyone else could read. So maybe not so much like Natasha.

Clint didn't even mind that she was better than him. After all she was the lieutenant of the Hunt, and Artemis and her brother were the patron deities for archery. Of course she was going to be better than him.

Both Thalia and Nico were technically older than Percy; but he was still their leader. No matter how much the three of them seemed to fight and bicker, he could see the same type of love he saw when his own children fought. Clint had the feeling these kids would die for each other, and it gave him chest pains to think that they had in been in situations were they nearly did. Especially Thalia. She actually did die, even if she got turned into a tree. Clint didn't really understand how that worked but he was glad she was fine now.

He winced as Thalia slammed Percy into the floor as the Avengers watched the demigods spar. The three teenagers moved quickly, ducking, weaving and fighting together seamlessly. They were practically a blur of deadly movement. Nico whipped his sword towards Percy's head when Baby Avenger kicked out and somehow knocked both cousins to the floor, his own blade levelled at their necks. Clint vaguely wondered where he had been keeping it, as none of the Avengers had seen it around before.

"Admit it Pinecone Face, I'm the best." Percy joked, his face brighter than Clint had seen it in the week he'd been living in the tower. Thalia scowled from the floor as she allowed herself to be hauled to her feet. She smacked her cousin and the smell of ozone permeated the air. Percy yelped and his hair stood on end. Nico just sighed, shaking his head. Percy glanced at the clock and as a unit the three demigods started for the door.

"Where are you three going?" Steve asked. Nico glanced over his shoulder.

"To Percy's mom's apartment. It's cake time." Everyone was confused. Thalia opened her mouth when Percy jumped in.

"Today is the anniversary of the end of the Second Olympian War. And it was..." He swallowed hard, 'mine and Wise Girl's anniversary." He added softly. Nico frowned at his cousin.

"It's also your birthday." He reminded him. Percy smacked his cousin and dashed out the door.

"Wait, today is his birthday?" Tony yelped. Thalia nodded as she headed out the door.

"As of today Kelp Head is a legal adult. So we're going to see a few people. Sally makes the best cake and the party on Olympus is going to be sick." Nico paused and looked at his cousin.

"You know being the two time savior of Olympus has some serious perks. Nobody else gets birthday parties with the gods." Thalia rolled her eyes, dragging the boys to the elevator.

"You guys can do something for him later. We have plans." Thalia tossed over her shoulder. And on that note the three teens vanished.

"Olympus?" Banner questioned. Thor looked like a kicked puppy.

"Their parties are always the best." He muttered, disappointed.

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