Chapter 27

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POV: Steve

        It had been three days since Perseus Jackson had vanished from Avengers Tower and he was nowhere to be found. It was annoying how good the kid was a disappearing. Steve had made a habit of running through the neighborhood where he lived just to see if he'd run into him accidentally. The extra couple of miles didn't bother him, advantage of being a super soldier, but as everyday passed with no leads he became more dejected. It didn't help that Thor refused to help and would do nothing but drop cryptic hints about how he knew the kid. He had gone running for a second time that day, the tower becoming a tense powder keg over what to do about Percy Jackson.

        Almost as though his thoughts had summoned the teenager, Steve slowed down as he noticed Percy Jackson slogging dejectedly through the gateway of the cemetery, tossing something into the little cement planter next to the entrance. Steve kept going; hoping the kid didn't see him so that he could follow him in.

        When Steve circled around to the side entrance he saw Percy kneeling next to one of the newer headstones. He quietly walked up behind the kid, keeping a respectful distance when he noted the tears dripping down his face. Percy had taken out a small bag of blue cookies and had stacked two of them on the ground next to the headstone, as if sharing with a friend. The boy was talking and Steve edged closer to listen in, feeling guilty at his invasion of privacy.

       "I don't know what to do Wise Girl. I thought it was over, you know? I'd given up enough, but now...."

        Steve hadn't been paying close enough attention to his surroundings, and so he flinched when another voice came from somewhere near his shoulder.

         "You know it's rude to eavesdrop." A short, goth looking kid with olive toned skin and dark hair stood next to him.

         "I know." Steve freely admitted. The kid walked up to Percy, brushing right past Steve. Percy glared at the boy. The boy just looked at him. Percy's face scrunched in displeasure. The other boy sighed, but in the next minute his mouth twisted up into a wry smile. Percy groaned.

        "Fine. But only because if I don't do it on my own they'll make me do it anyways." Steve watched fascinated by the nearly silent conversation the two teenagers had. Percy took the smaller boy's hand and hauled himself to his feet.

        "You be careful Kelp Head. I'll be seeing you real soon. I'm just going to check in with camp for you." Percy ruffled the kids hair.

        "Yeah yeah Ghost Boy. I'll bet you a drachma that my father already sent word. Or our uncle did. Or any of the twelve. Or Rachel did..." Percy trailed off when the other boy, Nico, smacked his shoulder.

       "Stop stalling." Nico turned around, fixing Steve with a slightly unnerving look. "You take good care of my cousin Capitano." On that note the kid walked away. Percy turned to Steve.

        "You can call your friend Fury. I'll join the gods be damned Avengers."

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