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Percy lounged in the main living room of the tower, his packed duffle bag sitting on the floor next to him. The other Avengers had already said their goodbyes before slowly gravitating away in different directions; heading to do whatever they had to do that day. Director Nick Fury - the man who had started this whole mess - sat across from him, his elbows propped against the table, fingers interlaced and tapping slowly against his chin. The silence between them kept dragging out, only occasionally broken up by the sounds of Percy fidgeting.

Percy broke first.

"Mom or Dad?" The man behind his kidnapping, and his ultimate appointment to demigod consultant to SHIELD, smiled. There was a distinctly predatory gleam in his eyes, and a smirk slowly spread across his face.

"Neither. Athena is my grandmother." Fury responded cooly, sitting back and relaxing. He looked pleased, as if Percy had passed some kind of test. From the way the Avengers talked about the secretive SHIELD director, he probably had passed some weird convoluted test. Percy rolled his eyes and slumped back into his own seat. He pulled Riptide out of his pocket, spinning the pen-sword through his fingers.

"You could have just asked for help." Percy grumbled, his head dropping to the back of the couch. "This whole twisted scheme you forced the Avengers into, totally unnecessary." He rolled his eyes to look at Fury. The other man said nothing at first, carefully studying Percy.

"I don't believe in unnecessary risk, or in exposure Mr. Jackson. I believe in getting the job done. And my team got it done." Percy huffed. If Fury hadn't said he was a legacy himself, he would have pegged him for the son of the wisdom goddess. There was no mistaking the sneaky maneuvering and strategizing that it took to do the kind of work Nick Fury does.

"Sure. After I let them." Fury just smiled benevolently at him, and suddenly Percy wondered how far the other man's reach really went. His attention was pulled back to Fury when the director spoke again.

"There is still a prophecy Mr. Jackson. You'll forgive me for not entrusting the fate of the planet to a handful of teenagers with swords." Percy glared, while shifting to his feet. It didn't matter that he'd spent years wishing for adults who could come in and take over. Didn't matter that he wanted to be a normal kid with homework and girl trouble and video games or something. At the end of the day there were no adults to come in and make things better, and that he and his friends had saved the world.


And they would do it again if they had to; adults or Avengers or even gods be damned. Because no matter what he might have wished when he was twelve and sixteen and every other age in between, Percy doesn't really trust the fate of the world to other people. He would trust it to other demigods, and he hadn't really planned on getting involved in world ending problems until the prophecy and the Avengers dragged him back into it. Percy does not trust the fate of the world to an angry pirate who thought kidnapping teenagers was a good way to figure out if they were trustworthy.

Fury ignored the irritated expression on the demigod's face, handing Percy his duffle bag as he stood up. Fury escorted Percy over to the elevator, even though Percy's face grew noticeably paler when the doors smoothly slid open.

"Well, world's still spinning. I think we teenagers with swords got at least a few things rights these last few years." He countered, stepping inside. Fury chuckled, and inclined his head. Probably the closest thing to an apology he would ever get from the spy.

"Welcome to the Avengers Initiative Mr. Jackson. We'll be in touch."


This is the very last chapter! This has been such a rollercoaster to finish. It's so weird that this story has finally come to a close. This was my first fanfic ever which I started writing two years ago, and it's finally done! Thank you so much to everyone who has read, commented or voted. 

I hope you all liked this story as much I enjoyed writing it.

I am sorry to announce however, that even though there are two more parts left to the prophecy, I will not be continuing this story. I do plan on eventually starting another Percy Jackson/Avengers crossover, but that might not be coming for a little while.

Thank you again to everyone who has been so patient with me and for sticking by this story.



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