Chapter 23

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POV: Steve

          The kid had judo flipped him again! It was getting embarrassing. All the Avengers snickered when the kid looked surprised by Thor's appearance. What none of them had been expecting however, was for him to bow his head, as if he knew who he was. Nor were they prepared for the Asgardian to greet Percy like a long lost friend. Or for him to step aside and let Percy leave.

         "Stop the kid." Fury ordered as they all piled out of the room. The god shook his head.

         "I have no intention of making an enemy of Perseus Jackson or his family. I recommend you don't either." The god warned. Fury growled in displeasure as the kid rounded the corner. A few seconds later he popped back out.

        "Can someone point me to the stairs?" 

Quick Disclaimer: I do not own these characters, worlds etc. The plot is mine. The credit belongs with Rick Riordan and Marvel. 

(I do take suggestions buuuuut this is mostly pre written and is in editing stages. I will always give credit where credit is due if you give me an idea) 

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