Chapter 45

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POV: Tony

         No one was sure of what to expect from the kid next. He was a mystery wrapped in shadows covered up by the rebellion of high school. Or so Tony was thinking when Percy shuffled out of his room twenty minutes after they had heard him screaming.

        Every Avenger kept an eye on the sullen and subdued teenager as he banged around the kitchen. He started to mix and measure and pour and within a few minutes the sizzle and snap of batter hitting the fryer permeated the large common space. Thor hovered in the kitchen and Tony noted, almost irritated, that every one of his friends had gravitated to the kid. When he followed them in however, he realized they were all salivating over fresh pancakes; that for some reason, were blue.

        Tony reach out, trying to snag one from the plate, earning a harsh smack with the spatula. Glancing around, every Avenger in the room except Steve had a matching red mark from being hit with the cooking utensil.

         "How did the Capsicle get one and no one else?" Tony groused good naturedly. Steve just smiled and kept eating.

         "He asked." Percy grunted. Bruce snickered at the slightly horrified look on Tony's face even as the rest of the Avengers sent the kid varying degrees of angry death threats with their eyes. When Percy slid the last of the pancakes onto the plate, Steve grabbed at the kids arm. Black marks on his skin spelled the letters SPQR with a trident and a single black line underneath it.

          "What's the tattoo about?" Steve asked. Percy yanked his arm back.

          "Family tradition." Tony narrowed his eyes, exchanging a glance with Banner. That looked like a brand, burned into his skin, not a tattoo. And if Tony remembered his high school history teacher correctly, that was a Roman tat. Something about the permanence of the republic. Or something.

         "Harsh tradition." Steve commented before going back to his pancakes.

          Percy ignored the curious looks and slid the full plate across the counter at everyone. Strange tattoo temporarily shelved, Tony dove for the pancakes along with the rest of the team. When Tony surfaced, the pancakes slightly crushed and torn in his hand he saw Percy taking his last bite and tossing all the dishes into the sink. He left the room without another word, not allowing anyone to question him about the tattoo again. 

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