Chapter 59

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POV: Steve

Steve missed when life was simple. No aliens, no gods. Just him, his buddies and bunch of bad guys that he could just point and shoot at. Tony shook himself out of the reverie from their incredible lineage first.

"So being the kid of a god is what made you so good at fighting?" He asked. Percy shook his head.

"I got good at fighting out of survival. I trained and fought for my life; for years. Believe me, when you're forced to fight for your life everyday, you get pretty good at it." Bruce was next.

"Let me get this straight. You and Nico are cousins. You're descended from greek gods and you kill monsters. And you have powers." Nico shrugged.

"That about sums it up."

"Can you show us?" Tony was like a little kid in a candy store. Percy shook his head.

"Nico and I are both first and foremost swordsmen. Both of our powers are drawn directly from our godly parent's domain and are dangerous on a good day, and on a bad day either one of us could destroy the city, if not the state." Nico piped up.

"We are not circus monkeys for your amusement Stark." His glower was enough to shut up the energetic inventor. Steve wondered if he could learn to do that. Would come in handy when Tony got irritating.

"Who are your godly parents?" Clint wanted to know.

"Son of Hades," Nico said then he pointed at Percy. 'Son of Poseidon." Natasha clarified for the mystified Stark.

"God of Death and the Sea right?" Nico shook his head.

"Close. My dad is the god of the Underworld. Thanatos is death."

"Oh." Natasha sat back. 'Death is a person?" She asked faintly. Percy shook his head.

"No. Death is death. Thanatos is just the personification. He's not a bad dude actually." Clint blanched.

"You met him?" Clint asked. Percy shrugged.

"I rescued him last year. That's why I was in Alaska." Steve finally spoke up.

"So your rap sheet is true then?" Percy shook his head.

"No. Most of it is not my fault. Usually monsters blew stuff up. I just killed the monsters that caused the problems. Then the mortal authorities blamed me." He said. Tony picked up the file.

"St. Louis Arch?"

"Chimera. Oh and Echidna. I didn't kill them though." Percy frowned like he was annoyed.

"Merryweather Prep?"

"Laeistrygonian giants. Umm, think fireproof cannibalistic Canadians." Steve frowned.

"Saratoga battlefield cannon and the school bus?" Percy snorted.

"Ok, that one was me. But how was I supposed to know that those cannons still worked? Also I was pushed into it by Billy Thompson, who was a bully, I wasn't trying to set it off." Nico waved his hand.

"So you see, most of Percy's rap sheet is irrelevant. He was defending people, not hurting them." Percy looked his cousin. Steve rubbed the bridge of his nose. The demigods were a lot to take in. Then Nico gave his cousin a devious smile. Steve's chest tightened.

"Well, except for the Mt. St. Helens thing." Nico grinned as Percy choked.

"That was an accident!" The older teen protested. 'And the second time wasn't technically my fault!" Steve was confused. Thor looked amused. The other Avengers were shocked.

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