Chapter 7

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POV: Bruce

          It was wrong. He knew it was. The kid wasn't even eighteen years old, and if they couldn't talk him in, they were going to have to bring him in by force. Without Thor they couldn't outvote Fury's directive, and he wasn't due back on Earth for another few days. He watched from the security of his desk in the lab as Steve and Romanoff approached the small apartment building in Manhattan. The school day was just ending and they were expecting the kid home any minute.

          "Do we even know where this kid goes to school?" Tony muttered. He was hovering over Bruce's shoulder as they watched the camera screens. Bruce shook his head. Steve and Natasha wandered up and down the street, scanning the crowd.

          "I'm going to look around back." Natasha said into her ear piece before breaking off down an alley.

... Time Skip ...

          They were still waiting for the kid to come home hours later.

          "Where the hell is this kid?" Tony exclaimed as he tossed popcorn into his mouth. It was dark out and through the lit windows of the apartment they could see the mother, Sally sitting down with her husband Paul at the dinner table, quietly feeding a squealing baby. Neither parent look particularly worried that their son had yet to return home from school.

         "Wait. It's the beginning of August. School isn't in session." Clint suddenly blurted. All the Avenger's froze, as the information scrolled through their minds. Bruce dropped his face into his palms. They were idiots. 

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