Chapter 26

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POV: Percy

    "You have got to be kidding me." Percy snarled as Rachel fell. She had partially regained the power of prophecy after she'd started visiting the Grove of Dodona. And the first thing she did was issue Percy another prophecy. Didn't the fates understand? He was retired! He'd been at camp for three days! He wasn't even two weeks into his retirement before fate dragged him back out of it.

    Rachel looked up from the ground, looking tired.

    "What did I say this time?" she asked curiously, managing to ignore the furious look on Percy's face. Nico patted Percy's shoulder awkwardly.

    "Sorry Perce." He said quietly as another camper bagan to recite the newest prophecy outloud.

Fate in Three Parts

First came the sacrifice of warriors who once made this land their home,

Whom rest in the eternal peace of Elysian has yet to come,

Great tombs of heroes with polished marble hiding an earthen prison,

Only mortal eyes can find

Fate in Two Parts

Son of the Sea God shall rally great allies

The strength of neither storm nor mortal can stop the foe.

A stranger shall not stop until she tears the city or the king limb from limb

Famed town must be held by ocean's guide


The upper realm shall witness the fall of a king in a house of gold,

For the strength of the ghost king shall hold her back,

Strength against strength; the king will be restored to power by Poseidon's son

Power unchecked until a trickster returns

    "Another prophecy. Another prophecy! I RETIRED!" Percy snarled. Piper wrapped her arm around him as he started to shake. She started to whisper soothingly, charmspeak wrapped around her words. He took several deep breaths, flexing his fists. Other campers were looking at him curiously. He stalked out of the open air mess pavilion, shooting Piper a grateful look as he went. He walked along the sandy beach before giving into the temptation of the waves. He dove in and called the currents to help him shoot along the coast until he started to swim up the East River, waving at the river god he'd met during the Battle of Manhattan. He quietly pulled himself out and hailed a cab.

    A few minutes later he was outside his mom's apartment. He knocked quietly so he wouldn't accidentally wake up his baby sister from her nap. His mom opened the door, a celestial bronze dagger sitting in arms reach on the side table. When she saw Percy standing on the porch she opened it wider. Percy just walked numbly inside, sitting down on the couch.

    "Percy? What's wrong?" Sally asked as she followed him into the living room. Percy just shook his head sadly.

    "I..." Percy started before giving up. 'I don't know. I just wanted to see you." Sally instantly looked worried.

    "Percy, what happened?" He looked up at her.

    "Nothing. Not yet." He said sadly. Sally closed her eyes, letting out a harsh breath.

    "Another quest." She said bluntly. Percy nodded not looking at his mom. Sally Jackson got up and shuffled a few things around in the kitchen. She handed her son a small baggie of blue chocolate chip cookies.

    "Go visit her." Sally said softly. Percy hugged his mother tightly. She always knew what to do. He smiled and waved as he walked out the door.

    "And call Chiron!" Sally called after Percy, 'He'll be worried." Percy waved at him mom to acknowledge her statement. He'd call camp after he talked to Annabeth.

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