Chapter 20

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POV: Tony

           The kid didn't want to join? As much as he didn't want to get stuck with babysitting some rookie kid, he was also incredibly insulted. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity to join; one that literally thousands of people wrote to them about, begging them to let them in. Who was this kid to just throw it away?

           "Hold it kid." Tony tried to repress the snarl in his tone. The kid turned around.

           "Percy." He said shortly. Tony plowed on.

           "You're really going to throw away the opportunity of a lifetime just like that? Working with us will have a bigger impact on the world than anything else you could do. How selfish can you be? Being trained by us? You would be saving the world." He emphasized. The kid looked angry.

             "You don't know anything. Find another pawn." Percy snarled, leveling him with a glare that honestly scared the older man. Dark and shattered, the green eyes bored into his skull, promising something terrible. He flinched a little and the kid smirked.

              "You have a nice day mister." And the kid just walked away. 

Percy Jackson and the AvengersOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz