Chapter 78

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POV: Percy

          He exited the rush of cold, landing directly in front of a celestial bronze enforced prison cell. Natasha was already kneeling next to the door, working on the lock as Tony muttered something about the impossibility of the refraction properties of magical metal while rubbing at his elbow, the metal of the suit looking suspiciously singed. Both Thor and Steve looked frustrated, but were standing careful guard at either end of the hallway, alert and on guard. Bruce hovered by Natasha's elbow, his brow furrowed as he intensely focused on a small lump huddled in the back of the cell. He slowly approached the cell door, the bronze glow of the bars doing very little to reach the back of the cell. He felt his heart seize in pain when he realized the small lump in the back of the cell was Annabeth.

          Rage roared through his body as he took in her broken and battered appearance. Annabeth had lost every ounce of strength she'd regained since Tartarus. It was like seeing her shaking in the Doors of Death all over again, pressed against the elevator doors; battered and bruised. His heart stuttered in his chest as memories of the horrors they went through in the pit started to overwhelm him, but he pushed them away, focusing only on Annabeth. His sharp eyes took in every bruise, cut and scratch. Her body shifted slightly and he could see the celestial bronze chains winding around her body, cuffs tight on her wrists and ankles. In the dim glow of the metal he could see the skin around the cuffs was bloody and torn, probably from escape attempts and from thrashing in her sleep. Percy had no doubt her nightmares were worse than his because when she opened her eyes, she was still trapped inside one. Percy didn't realize that he was shaking until a warm hand wrapped around his shoulder, trying to calm him.

          "Percy, you need to stop." Nico murmured into his ear. He glanced at his cousin, enraged green eyes meeting the calm black irises of the son of Hades. 

          "Percy you need to get a hold of yourself, or you'll collapse the cavern on all of us, not just Kampe." Nico snapped. Percy abruptly realized that it wasn't him shaking, but the cavern itself.


          Tony's eyes were wide as he looked at him, understanding crossing his face. Natasha glared at the lock in front of her before turning her glare onto Percy. He was making the rescue job harder. He reined in his temper as best he could, calming the outward showing of his rage. Instead he wrapped his hands around the bars of the cell, grounding himself into the present while watching Annabeth intently. Slowly the shaking stopped. He crouched down low, eyes drinking in her appearance. He needed her awake. 

          "Wise Girl." He whispered. She flinched as though struck, but jolted upright immediately. Stormy grey eyes found him immediately, while the chains wrapping around her body clanked loudly with the movement. 


AN: I know I know! I haven't been updating this story for months! I just moved across the world and have been uber busy with the transition. I'm writing again and I hope to finish Percy's first adventures with the Avengers very very soon. Thank you so much to all of the readers who've been sticking by this story and to everyone who has commented and voted. 

Please keep voting and commenting! Commentary makes my day and suggestions help my muse.

Cheers - Hartley 

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