Chapter 68

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POV: Tony

          It was the day after the frosting disaster in Tony's car and Baby Avenger was nowhere to be found.

          "Where is he!" Natasha was, surprisingly, the most panicked. Tony would have never guessed that cold assassin would have developed a soft spot for the newest member of their team so quickly. Bruce was pacing in his special room, clenching and unclenching his fists as threads of green appeared and disappeared all over his skin. Clint was desperately trying to convince Thor to go to Olympus to ask the Greek gods and getting nowhere.

          "You have too! What if he is in danger!" The Hawk yelled.

          "I cannot. It goes against the ancient laws. To break such a thing-" the asgardian shuddered. He looked thoughtful for a moment before growing serious. "Besides, to be a child of Olympus, especially the son of the sea god means he is always in danger. Percy will contact us if he is in need of assistance." Tony looked up from his computer where he was currently hacking every camera in the state of New York. He growled at the Norse god.

          "He doesn't even have a phone. How the hell will he contact us?" It was a show of how worried everyone was that Steve didn't get on Tony's ass about his language.

          "Stark! Language."

Never mind.

           The elevator doors dinged and swung open as Tony turned to glare at the first Avenger.

           "Steve now is not the time to...." Tony started to snarl. He cut himself off abruptly when he saw a pale but bemused looking Percy stumble out of the elevator, closely followed by his scary cousin Nico. 

           "Hey guys, whats up?" 

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